

An extremely compelling and controversial case of alien abduction is that of Linda Napolitano, (originally aliased as Cortile) which was researched by the well-known and respected Budd Hopkins.

Napolitano claimed that she was abducted by the so-called “greys,” who floated her from a closed bedroom window into a hovering UFO. The craft was waiting for her above a Manhattan apartment building at about 3:00 A.M. November 30, 1989. Linda’s experience, though intriguing, was hampered at first by memory loss. She could recall only bits and pieces of the abduction.

She could remember vividly the actual kidnapping and the room where she was examined, but the transportation process itself was totally lost to her. Further details of the case would be forthcoming via the passage of time, other witness statements, and through regressive hypnosis.

Hopkins, as to be expected, has been ridiculed by many of his peers, but has been steadfast in searching out the consistent, underlying themes that run through alien abduction cases. Napolitano’s case is remarkable and unique in itself, although following the general abduction pattern on some points. More than a year after Cortile’s experience, Hopkins received mail correspondence from two witnesses, (known as Richard and Dan) who claimed to have actually seen the abduction. Doubtful at first about these witnesses, their claims would ultimately be a building block of the case itself. Agreeing perfectly with Linda’s account of the abduction, the two men were bodyguards of a senior United Nations statesman who was visiting Manhattan. This diplomat would eventually be identified as Javier Perez de Cuellar, who, according to his two bodyguards, was visibly shaken while viewing the surreal scene. These three men encountered an unbelievable sight… the plight of a woman being floated through the air, and not only that… but three entities were also being floated, accompanying her on a short trip to a massive hovering flying craft.

Linda’s own words: “I’m standing up on nothing. And they take me out all the way up, way above the building. Ooh, I hope I don’t fall. The UFO opens up almost like a clam and then I’m inside,” said 41 year old (at the time) Linda.

“I see benches similar to regular benches. And they’re bringing me down a hallway. Doors open like sliding doors. Inside are all these lights and buttons and a big long table.”

“I don’t want to get up on that table. They get me on the table anyway. They start saying things to me and I’m yelling. I can still yell. One of them says something that sounds like {Nobbyegg}. I think they were trying to tell me to be quiet because he put his hand over my mouth.”

The high-level of security clearance and professionalism required for the two bodyguards’ positions would be no help in dealing with what they had seen. What they witnessed that night would become a curse to them, having a deep impact on their lives for years to come. They would become irrational and psychotic, and one of them would become to think of Linda as having some unusual, extraordinary power or influence on others. He began to stalk her. Did he somehow blame Linda for his emotional behavior and fear? Or would his involvement be a threat to his livelihood? The actions of the two bodyguards, whom would later be revealed as CIA agents, presented a strange, enigma to Hopkins. On April 29, 1991 they kidnapped Linda, bundled her into their car in broad daylight and quizzed her for three hours. Dan became increasingly upset with Linda as she repeated stated that she had no idea why it (the abduction) had happened. Linda would be kidnapped a second time by the men who tried to pry information from her, thinking she had a part in the alien abduction herself, which brought them into the case involuntarily. One of the agents, Richard, stated: “There was an oval-shaped object hovering over the top of the apartment building two or three blocks up from where we sat.” “We didn’t know where it came from. It happened too fast. Its lights turned from a bright reddish orange to a whitish blue coming out of the bottom. Green lights rotated round the edge of the saucer. A little girl or woman wearing a white gown sailed out of the window in a fetal position – and then stood in mid-air in this beam of light. I could see three of the ugliest creatures I ever saw. I don’t know what they were. They weren’t human.” “Their heads were out of proportion, very large heads with no hair. Those buggers were escorting her into the craft. My partner screamed, ‘We have got to get them.’ We tried to get out of the car but couldn’t. After the woman was escorted in, the oval turned reddish orange again and whisked off.” Hopkins told them that Linda Cortile was the woman they had seen. Hopkins’ investigation would gain additional momentum when more witnesses to the event would come forward with their stories. As was the usual, Hopkins kept the details of his case private until they reached a certain level of credibility. The additional eyewitnesses stated that they too, had seen the abduction that night from the Brooklyn Bridge. The witnesses (one of which was one Janet Kimbell?, or Kimble) thought they were watching the filming of a scene from an upcoming Sci-fi film. She was a retired telephone operator. Soon, Hopkins could not keep the lid on the Napolitano abduction any longer.
The case would take a dramatic turn when Hopkins finally discovered the identity of the United Nations representative, or the “third man,” as Javier Perez de Cuellar, the former Secretary General of the United Nations. Naturally, Hopkins’ dream would be to get Cuellar to go public with his acknowledgment of the facts of the abduction, which would bring the case and the entire alien abduction question to a sensational level of acceptance within the public’s eye, and the scientific community. Although Cuellar corresponded with Hopkins and verified the abduction, he explained to Hopkins that he could not go public for obvious reasons. Cuellar went even as far as to meet privately with Hopkins to discuss details of his observations that night, but demanded that he remain anonymous.

The Linda Napolitano affair is without question one of the best documented alien abduction cases in UFO history. Most of these cases are related to authorities and investigators by a single person. It is extremely unusual to have multiple witnesses, especially those totally unknown to the experiencer, to validate the facts of an alien abduction.

Hopkins did an exceptional job of holding together the case, despite some unusual twists and turns. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








Stopped at night on the side of the road, two Russian truck drivers were astounded by the sight of a spaceship before them and amazed when one of the drivers was welcomed aboard.

On the night of 2nd November, 1989 the air temperature dropped very suddenly to below freezing.

Two professional Russian truck drivers, Oleg Kirzhakov and his companion Nikolai Baranchikov were driving their truck from near the area of Arkhangelsk to Moscow.

They were hurrying home to finish all the formalities related to their business trip before the holidays.

In the vicinity of Emtza railway station, the road was blocked by heaps of sand and gravel.

The road in front of them was under repair and Oleg had to turn onto a dirt road to detour. On one bend in the road, the truck’s headlights fell upon a huge structure, which was standing off to the right of the road.

“I thought it was some kind of construction equipment,” said Oleg. “There were many machines there because the road was under construction.

However, when I drove closer, I saw a big object, that in the headlights had a metallic sheen to it. When we got to within 80–90 feet of the object, our motor stalled, and our truck coasted several feet further and stopped.

The headlights that were connected to the back-up power source were still on. My partner and I couldn’t understand what had happened.

The road at this point had a bend in it and trees on the right side of the road blocked our view of the object.

We understood that we were seeing something very unusual in front of us, and were afraid that something unavoidable would happen.

Hence, I asked Nikolai to remain in the truck and observe events while I approached the object.

I left the cab and decided to approach the object to examine it more closely.

After I had passed the hood of the truck, I began to feel, with each step I took, an increased resistance from the air.

My body seemed to melt—it became difficult to move, and I knew that if I got any closer to the object, I would not be able to move at all.”

Oleg turned back toward the truck and tried to approach the object from another direction. He moved carefully, stopping after each step.

He felt the same, constantly-increasing resistance from the air.

He succeeded in coming to within about 30–36 feet of the object. He stopped on the shoulder of the road and began to examine it very carefully. Very quickly, he came to the conclusion that this object was not of Earthly origin.

Truly, it was something very unusual. In front of Oleg, there stood a huge disc-shaped object, approximately 120–140 feet in diameter, with a dome-shaped top, on which no other structures were visible.

Along the perimeter of the disc, there were some dark holes evident, which Oleg at first thought were portholes. Extending from the lower part of the object, there were two structures visible, which seemed to support the ship.

The far edge of the disc was slightly elevated, and was resting on some birch trees, two of which were broken.

The object looked dark and uninhabited and there were no traces visible of windows, doors or hatches.

A fiery request

Why is this object here, in the middle of the forest, at night? What is its purpose? Maybe something has gone wrong and it needs assistance?

All these questions flooded Oleg’s mind and at that very moment, in front of him, at a distance of an outstretched hand, right in the air, appeared a glimmering red, dotted line.

This line formed a transparent, square-shaped screen, 150 mm x 150 mm in size, with rounded corners.

Several words, written in red letters, appeared on the screen. Oleg did not remember the exact phrase, but the essence of the phrase was a request for “burning fire”.

Oleg continued, “I realized that the screen was illuminated on the body of the object. I mechanically turned to look back at Nikolai, who was still sitting in the cab of the truck. Once again, I observed the screen, but this time it appeared to be in front of the truck.

I attempted to look from one side to the other, but no matter where I turned my eyes, the screen remained in front of them. The distance to the screen remained constant and I reached out my hand to try to touch it.

My friend, Nikolai, who was watching these antics from the cab of the truck, later asked me why I moved my hands.

The screen remained in front of me for the duration of the contact.

However, the inscriptions which appeared on the screen remained only as long as was necessary for me to understand each one and only then was the last inscription replaced by a new one.”

Only after Oleg understood what was being demanded of him, he carefully backed away from the object, constantly looking back toward the truck, and still sensing the same resistance.

He returned to the truck and tried to open the right door of the cab, in order to obtain some kitchen matches.

Despite the combined efforts of both men, they were not able to open the door for a considerable length of time.

Suddenly, the door was able to be opened quite easily. Oleg removed the box of matches from the truck’s cabin, together with a bottle of laboratory alcohol, which was used as an anti-freeze in the braking system.

Again asking Nikolai not to leave the truck, Oleg returned to the same place on the shoulder of the road where he had stood before.

However, this time he was able to move easily and he experienced none of the resistance he had encountered previously. He gathered some dry leaves into a pile, poured on some alcohol and ignited them.

Upon lifting his head, he observed that a passage appeared on the surface of the object, which extended into the interior, forming a corridor. At the distant end of this corridor, he could see a glimmering, bluish light.

“At first, I had the impression that a shadow was moving inside the corridor, but then I realized that something was moving in the corridor toward the opening.

When I finally realized what was occurring, I began stepping backward and fell into the ditch along the side of the road. I jumped back onto my feet and continued to observe what was happening.

Something approached the opening and I saw that it was a dark “mass,” which reminded me of a bag or sack.

As the “mass” moved, it swayed and bent from side to side, and its periphery was vague in appearance. At this moment, a shaft extended from the object, bent and descended to the surface of the ground.

The “mass” slid down the shaft, and while increasing in size, approached the fire of burning leaves. I was paralyzed by fear!

The “mass” stood by the fire for a moment and then began to return to the object, taking with it the box of matches. Returning along the same path, the “mass” disappeared in the corridor, together with the box of matches!

Only then did I finally succeed in extracting myself from the ditch. I returned to the road and glanced back at my truck again. The truck’s headlights blinded me, but I nevertheless could see the frightened face of Nikolai, which was pressed forward tightly against the windshield.”

An invitation to enter

For a long time, Oleg remained standing on the road, and was unable to recover his senses.

Realizing that he was witnessing an event that he might never again experience, he decided to wait and observe what would happen next.

He had a sudden wish to observe the ship more closely and immediately an invitation to enter the ship appeared on the screen, which remained visible in front of him. After a short pause, Oleg decided to approach the object.

The first thing that caught his attention was several round openings, approximately 300 mm in diameter, which at first he interpreted to be portholes.

Inside these openings, at a depth of 300–350 mm, a “grid” of intersecting lines, light grey in color, was visible. The central axis of the openings was displaced approximately 30 degrees from the plane formed by the surface of the object.

Oleg was also able to examine one of the support legs that the object rested on. The leg consisted of two parts, which were connected at an articulating joint.

The cross-section of each of the two parts of the leg was in the profile of a three-sided channel beam, with the lower part being smaller in diameter, such that it could be folded inside the upper portion.

On the bottom of the ship, recessed areas were clearly visible into which the legs could be retracted. However, because of poor illumination in the area where the leg was located, Oleg was not able to examine in detail the actual construction of the leg.

The far side of the object was resting on trees and was slanted toward Oleg, such that the lower portion of the opening was just above the level of his head. In order to establish the material that the object was made of, Oleg wanted to touch it with his hand.

A shaft came out of the portion of the object that was nearest to him. It appeared to be a round, smooth tube, with a diameter of approximately 50 mm.

The tube was cold and felt metallic. Then, events developed in the following manner:

“I had a desire to look inside, but since the door was above my head, I decided to grab hold of the tube and jump. The instant I grabbed the tube, I found myself standing just inside the opening. There was nothing there in the form of either steps or an elevator.

I did not feel any kind of external influence, but rather everything seemed to happen naturally, or by itself. I thought of the possibility of danger to me and decided to be as careful as possible.

At that instant, I received a message on the screen that I had nothing to be afraid of, and that I could enter.

Upon entering the corridor, I looked at the walls and noticed the absence of doors.

The corridor was significantly wider than the opening, the floor was flat, and the walls and ceiling formed an oval shape.

“I went along the corridor toward the shimmering light and felt that I was walking on a flat, metallic floor.

Somehow, I got the feeling that the surrounding walls did not have simply a decorative covering, but rather they were structural, and something was connected to them from the back side.

There clearly was some sort of strengthening device attached to them. I did not want to touch the walls, so I am unable to say exactly what it was that served to strengthen them.”

Masses of Lights

Oleg had to proceed along the corridor for approximately 20–25 feet. At the end of the corridor, he saw that it entered into a large hall with a diameter of approximately 60 feet.

On the periphery of the hall, there were five other entrances, similar in appearance to the one through which he had just entered. The ceiling in the hall was domed and it was emitting a soft, diffuse, blue light.

Between the other entrances and along the walls, there were panels of flashing lights. Each panel appeared to consist of five or six vertical elements.

To the left of the entrance through which Oleg had entered, two walls had no panels. In place of the panels, there were horizontal recesses in the walls, which were dark in color.

Also to the left, he observed two dark, vague spots that looked like bags, which at first were motionless, but then began to move toward him. The bags were identical to the “mass” which he had seen near the fire.

Oleg stopped, and stood motionless at the entrance to the hall.

“As soon as I looked around the hall, certain questions came to me, answers to which appeared immediately on the screen. But then I noticed that answers appeared in my head before I was able to read them on the screen.

Several answers were accompanied by demonstrations of the operation of those structures that interested me.

In such a manner, my question of the significance of the dark, horizontal recess in the wall off to my left was demonstrated to me.

The recess was a three- dimensional information screen, on which I was shown the interior of another sister ship, with the same moving ‘masses’ (during the demonstration, the two ‘masses’ in our ship were motionless).

Then, they showed a ship in space, among the stars, and at the end of the demonstration, they showed the presenter of a Soviet television program called Vremya.

“Off to my right side, there was an oval control panel, or desk, located about five feet from the wall, on which there were many switches and lights.

All of the illuminated buttons had a flat, square shape.

Some of them were elevated above the level of the control panel, and others were flush with the top of the panel. On the upper surface of the lamps, there were some symbols in the form of geometric figures, e.g. circles, triangles, quadrilateral figures, lines, etc., and combinations of the above.

The black switches on the panel were similar in appearance to toggle switches. There were no meters or scales on the control panel at all.”

In addition, Oleg described a long, straight divan, which stood next to the control panel, and a circular crack in the floor, which surrounded the central part of the hall.

The crack gave him reason to believe that the central part of the floor was able to rotate, allowing the control panel to be positioned in front of any of the vertical panels situated along the walls.

On the vertical panels, Oleg noticed the same types of lights that were on the control panel. Many of these lights were flashing. The entire interior of the hall was white in color, including the floor, and only from the ceiling shone soft, blue light.

Looking upward, Oleg tried to locate the source of the light, while simultaneously asking about the nature of the light. No answer to his question appeared on the screen.

Then, in response to his question, “Who are you?” and “Where are you from?” the dome in the hall slowly started to dim, and like in a planetarium, a star map appeared on the ceiling.

While Oleg was trying to find some familiar star system, one of the stars suddenly began to pulsate and descend slowly.

The dark, almost black starlit sky, combined with the pulsating star suspended over Oleg’s head, as well as with the flashing lights of the control and vertical panels, emitted enough light to permit him to see all elements in the entire interior of the spacecraft.

In a minute, the pulsating star slowly rose and the dome illuminated with the diffuse blue light.

Oleg was unable to carefully study and remember the star map shown to him. He asked where this pulsating star was located. They answered, “This is in your galaxy”.

“I asked question after question. The answers I received were heard in my head before I saw them on the screen.

I asked, ‘What kind of ship am I on now? What kind of propulsion system do you use to make it fly?’

In response I was told that this spacecraft was a scout ship and used electromagnetic fields to fly.

I was also told that they were studying our planet, which they need as a springboard to the future.

In response to my question ‘Do you have any connection with Bigfoot?’, they said, ‘Yes’ and added that they watch Bigfoot continuously.

As I was asking question after question, I suddenly noticed that a third ‘mass’ had appeared in the hall and then a fourth.

I watched a conversation take place between them and came to the understanding that the time for me to leave had arrived. My next thought was to leave something with them for a memory.

I took off my watch, and wanted to put it on the floor, but at that moment, I was told that they had a complete knowledge of the Earth and needed nothing.

For the first time during this visit, they asked me, ‘Why do I use a watch made in another country?’

“Then I asked, ‘Is it possible to see you once again?’ They said, ‘If you are in danger we will find you within 15 seconds’.

“Backing out a few steps from the hall, I turned and went along the corridor towards the opening.

As I came up to the opening of the spacecraft, I took hold of the tube by my right hand and I immediately found myself standing on the ground.

Not looking back, I went to the ditch and crossed over to the road, to the same place where I had stood a few minutes before.

When I looked back, I noticed that the tube and the opening had disappeared.

After a few seconds, I saw the outer rim begin to move in a clockwise direction.

The dome began to move approximately 30 seconds later in a counterclockwise direction and a luminescence surrounded the spacecraft.

As the revolutions became faster, the luminescence enveloped the spacecraft and it became a ball of light.”

Oleg noticed that the rotation of all parts of the craft and the luminescence was happening in absolute silence.

At this moment he saw on the road two more cars with their headlights on. For a few seconds this distracted his attention from the spacecraft.

The sound of the trees cracking made him turn and look at the spacecraft.

The ball of light slightly shifted position and slowly began to rise. Abruptly accelerating, the craft shot out of sight towards the north east.

His friend Nikolai got out of the truck and together with the occupants from the other vehicles, came up to Oleg. They asked him a lot of questions. Oleg was impressed by the experience but at the same time, was too moved to speak or fully realize all that had just happened.

His hands and legs were trembling.

When he got into his truck, he was unable to use the accelerator or to shift gears. He had to let his partner drive.

Oleg leaned back on the truck seat and looked at his watch, which he still had in his hand.

From the moment the truck had stopped, 20 minutes had passed. They still had a day and a half to get to Moscow, their destination. NOTE: The above image is CGI.







1989 ……AREA 51 NEVADA

Area 51: The Alien Interview video is color video footage claimed to have been obtained by a man who identifies himself only as “Victor,” who purports it to be of an extraterrestrial being interrogated at a government facility.

Victor maintains the footage was copied from a top-secret video originally recorded at Area 51. For fear of having his identity pinpointed, he never specifies whether he was an employee at the facility, but vaguely states that he “had reason to be present at Area 51… more than once.”

Though the Alien Interview documentary states the copy was smuggled out of Area 51, Victor once again strays from details by never specifically saying where the copying took place. He merely insists that an instance of “data leaking” occurred during a massive transfer of video documentation from video analog to digital disc storage in a “(lower) security system.” Victor took advantage of the circumstances to copy the footage.

On July 26, 1996, after several unsuccessful attempts to get network television companies to view and subsequently air his video, Victor contacted Rocket Pictures, an independent home video distribution company based in Los Angeles. Company president Tom Coleman, though reluctant at first, agreed to produce a documentary based on the video after his telephone conversation with Victor. Coleman sought the opinion of outside experts before going forth with making the documentary, and invited ufologist Sean David Morton to view the video.

On March 13, 1997, Morton, being interviewed by Art Bell on the Coast to Coast AM radio show, made mention of the video and described it in great detail, thus marking it the first time the general public became aware of the video’s existence. Victor himself would be interviewed by Bell just two months later. Calling from a phone and using a device to alter his voice, Victor also went into detail over the contents of the video.

The alleged alien in an interrogation room. The video is approximately two minutes and 55 seconds in length. It contains the bold white characters “DNI/27” imposed in the bottom left corner while a clock that runs upwards from “04:00:18:15” to “04:03:12:25” during the duration of the video appears in the bottom center.

A diminutive being that fits the description of that of the Greys is seated at a rectangular table. The subject, which Victor says was brought to Area 51 after its craft was shot down in 1989, is situated behind the end of the table farthest from where the video is being shot and is behind a large piece of glass which Victor describes as part of a “bio-containment area” meant to protect the alleged alien from microbes and viruses. Reflected in the glass is what appears to be two television monitors. The alien’s head appears to be covered in bruises and what Morton suggests is a heart monitor can be seen on the table in front of the being.

A person who Victor claims is a military officer attempting to communicate with the alien telepathically can be seen in the left foreground, while a more casually-dressed human figure can alternately be seen entering/leaving the video in the right foreground. The room where the interview is taking place is very dimly lit, so darkness obscures the two and reveals them as nothing more than two unrecognizable shadowy figures. For the same reason, only the creature’s head is continuously visible, while brief glimpses of its torso are also shown.

About halfway through the video, the alien becomes visibly distressed and appears to begin suffering from violent spasms and bouts of choking/gagging. The military officer signals for two medics, wearing scrubs and masks, to come to the aid of the convulsing alien. The medics shine a flashlight into its facial orifices, and one begins to wipe foam away from its mouth. At this point the video ends. It contains no audio, which Victor says he deliberately removed so that he could protect the anonymity of those who appear in the video.

The footage has the characters DNI/27 burnt into the bottom line of the frame, along with what appears to be the time code numbers for date, minutes and seconds. The letters DNI could be an acronym for the Department of Naval Intelligence, the group responsible for the Area 51 base, a fact not many people know about. The DNI connection to Area 51 has been widely investigated. George Knapp, the TV journalist who encouraged Bob Lazar to go public with his knowledge has shown that Lazar’s pay cheques from the time he claimed to be working at Area 51 had DNI stamped on them.









This event remains as one of Europe’s unsolved UFO cases. It began at about 8:30 AM, September 10, 1990, when the first sighting of a spherical, metallic object with legs was made. The object was either moving very slowly, or hovering in the sky at a low altitude.

A group of school children heading to class saw the object first. The youngsters probably imagined they were seeing a strange sort of balloon. Soon, other local residents also spotted the unusual flying object. Some early observers could only liken the object to a ‘turtle with legs.’

The object was reflecting the early morning sun, which caused on-lookers to surmise the object was made of some type of metal. In a short period of time, as many as 25 witnesses were observing the UFO.

Local residents were surprised and even frightened by the sight of the UFO. Some even tried throwing rocks at the object, in an attempt to shoo it away. Soon four pictures would be taken, forever documenting the event for posterity and further study by UFO students.

Manuel Gomes, sitting at a local diner, was soon told of the sightings. He was a photojournalist and worked with the Morning Journal News. He quickly gathered his camera and rushed to the location of the latest reported sighting.

He managed to take four photographs of the object. He was unable to identify the object as anything he had seen before. He turned over his report and photographic negatives to the CNIFO research group, who began an investigation into the events of the day.

After about an hour, the unidentified object finally flew away into the horizon, leaving many questions as to its origin and purpose. As researchers began to discuss the sightings, various theories were offered.

The photographs taken by Gomes were examined and found not to have been tampered with. What was seen in the Alfena skies was exactly what was on his photographs. The big mystery was: what was the object?

Of the many theories offered, the most plausible was that the object was some type of observation device, possibly launched by the military. However, the military claimed to have nothing in the air at that time and location.

The case of the Alfena, Portugal craft remains unsolved to this day.







On the night of 21 April 1991, the term ‘close encounter’ took on an altogether more significant meaning for the crew and passengers of a London-bound airliner. At 9.00 pm Captain Achille Zaghetti, who was piloting a McDonnell MD-80 aircraft, was amazed to see an unidentified flying object pass his aircraft as it flew over the coast of Kent at a height of more than 22,000 feet. As the UFO was no more than 1,000 feet above the airliner, and the incident therefore classed as a ‘near-miss’, an official inquiry was launched by the CAA. Approximately two weeks later the following brief statement was issued:

“The pilot said the object was light brown, round, three meters long, and did not describe any means of propulsion, “The aircraft was under the control of London air traffic control center who had no other aircraft in the vicinity, but consistent with the pilot report, a faint radar trace was observed ten nautical miles behind the Alitalia aircraft.

“Extensive inquiries have failed to provide any indication of what the sighting may have been.” But more was to come. The next incident to occur took place on June 1, 1991, when a yellow-orange cylindrical object, ten feet long, was seen at close quarters by the crew of a Britannia Airways Boeing 737 en route to London from Dublin.

Sixteen days later, yet another cylindrical-shaped UFO was sighted, this time by one Walter Leiss, a German engineer aboard Dan Air flight DA 4700 as it headed toward Hamburg. Air traffic controller: “was it an aircraft?”

January 6, 1995, Captain Roger Wills and copilot Mark Stuart were beginning their descent towards Manchester Airport in a Boeing 737 twin jet with 60 passengers on board. Seventeen minutes before touchdown, a mysterious, triangular-shaped UFO flashed past the right-hand side of the aircraft at a distance described as being “very close” – so close, in fact, that the crew instinctively “ducked” in their seats.

This is an extract from the conversation between crew of the B737 and the radar controller. B737: “We just had something go down the RHS just above us very fast.” MANCHESTER: “Well, there’s nothing seen on the radar. Was it an aircraft?” B737: “Well, it had lights; it went down the starboard side very quick [and] just slightly above us, yeah.” MANCHESTER: “Keep an eye out for something, I can’t see anything at all at the moment so, must have been very fast or gone down very quickly after it passed you I think.” B737: “Okay. Well, there you go!” NOTE: The above image is CGI.








Jared Lee, a graduate student at the University of Florida, and an aerospace engineer at the time the video was made, relates a riveting UFO encounter he had with his family in December, 1991.

Lee was 13-years-old at the time of the event. On the night of the encounter, he was with his parents, who both worked for the State of Florida. They lived in the sparsely populated town of Havana. The family has gone to Tallahassee, picked up a pizza, and arrived back home about 10:00 PM. Exiting their vehicle to go inside, Jared noticed something unusual; there were lights coming down from the top of the nearby trees. He called his parents’ attention to the lights.

The family thought at first that what they were seeing were hunters in the forest shining their lights to locate a deer. The lights appeared to be scanning the forest floor. The trees were approximately 60 ft. tall, and the family pondered: “How did they get the lights to the top of the trees?” Jared’s father was visibly shaken, and this was the first time that the boy had ever seen his father afraid. Suddenly, the car horn began to sound, and to the left side of the area the family watching, a large glowing orange ball of light began to move.

Then to the right side, a large blue-green ball of light followed suite. Both of the lights were moving up to where the original lights were. Then the two balls of lights disappeared. For a brief moment, there was nothing but darkness. Then a large beam of intense, glistening white/gold light beamed down to the forest floor illuminating the entire forest area. At the top of the light, a large UFO became clearly visible. Jared described its size as “unbelievable.” The craft sat hovering for some 10-15 minutes. It never made a sound. Then the object simply vanished, and was not seen again. What this was and what its mission was is undetermined. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








In 1992, at around 8pm on a quiet country road on the outskirts of Edinburgh, two ordinary men experienced an extraordinary event that has become enshrined in the annals of Scottish and world UFO mythology. The event, known as the A70 case, was the alleged abduction of the two men by extraterrestrials.

Neither of the two men, Garry Wood and Colin Wright, expected anything out of the ordinary to occur when they set out on the fateful night of the 27th of August 1992. Their journey was from the south of Edinburgh on the A70 to the village of Tarbrax in East Lothian, a drive of some 15 miles.

The journey, which normally takes around 30 minutes, was in connection with a domestic appliance repair. At around 10 pm they drove through the clear summer’s night at about 40 mph chatting about family and other general issues. Rounding a blind corner, in the vicinity of the Harperrig Reservoir, Colin abruptly leaned forward exclaiming, “What the hell’s that?”

Garry peered through the windscreen, there ahead of the car; floating about 20ft above the road was a two-tiered disc-shaped object. He remembers it being about 30 ft wide, wider than the road, smooth, black and shiny with no windows or illumination.

Garry, a motor mechanic by trade, is familiar with mechanical devices and a range of metal finishes, found the appearance and finish of the object unusual.

Wanting to get away as quickly as possible, he floored the accelerator urging their vehicle up to almost 70 mph. In Colin’s words, Garry was “Driving like a bloody madman.” As they passed below the hovering craft a shimmering curtain of light descended on the car, Garry describes it as like looking at a detuned TV set, just flickering lights. Instantly they were enveloped in total, complete darkness.

Later under hypnosis Garry recalled standing (presumably) outside the car, it was still totally and utterly dark, not a hint of light, he could not even see the car; briefly he thought they had crashed and he was dead.

He blacked out for what subjectively felt like a few seconds, then abruptly he was awake and the car was veering all over the road. Garry could hear Colin shouting at him to watch out then thankfully, he was able to bring the car to a stop. They looked at each other in disbelief, what had happened?

The cool night air was a relief as they gathered their wits. Setting off again, they arrived at their destination still discussing their bizarre encounter.

Arriving at Tarbrax they pulled over at their friend’s house, Garry slipped his hand down to free the seat belt: it was already undone.

He was briefly puzzled but thought no more of it at that moment. Assuming the time to be around 10.40pm they unloaded the items from the car and carried them to the door of their friends house. They knocked on the door, several minutes went by, then they heard an upstairs window open and their friend’s head emerged. He enquired none to politely just what they were doing and informed them that it was quarter to one in the morning. Naturally they thought he was pulling their legs, but no, he was not, they had ‘lost’ two hours.

The men had made the journey to Tarbrax several times and knew it normally took around thirty minutes. Entering the house in a state of some agitation, the men attempted to describe what they had seen; even sketching the craft they had witnessed hovering above the deserted stretch of road.

It was well into the small hours when Garry and Colin left for Gilmerton on the outskirts of Edinburgh; not surprisingly they did not return by the same rout and neither man recalls much about the journey.

When Malcolm Robinson originally interviewed the householders a few days after the event, they both agreed that Garry and Colin were both clearly agitated and from past experience knew neither man was prone to either lying or dramatics.

The following day Garry felt utterly drained of energy, more than just the result of his late night, he felt really worn out. The following few days did not help matters, he was not sleeping at all well, he experienced vivid, disturbing dreams and his sleeping patterns changed for the worse.

Eventually consulting his doctor because of severe headaches, he was advised to have an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan, this proved negative.

As an additional precaution in addition he underwent the uncomfortable procedure of a spinal tap but once again nothing untoward was diagnosed. Fearing ridicule, neither Garry nor Colin reported the incident to the police or media, they did however inform BUFORA (the British UFO Research Association).

As a result of the event, Garry became engrossed in UFOlogy in an attempt at understanding what he had experienced. Eventually, heard of SPI and contacted them to arrange a meeting.

This was arranged and after two preliminary meetings, Malcolm, SPI’s founder, suggested using the controversial technique of hypnotic regression to access what had occurred during this ‘missing time’. Although Garry and Colin had some misgivings, an initial session was arranged using Scottish hypnotherapist and psychic Helen Walters.

During the first session, Garry became very emotional and burst into tears, there was nothing specific, only vague images and impressions, later regression sessions were to prove much more revealing. In later sessions both men remembered sitting in the car, which was stopped in the middle of the road, small humanoid creatures, three to each side, opened both front doors.

Colin recalls Garry being placed on a type of stretcher or carrier: none of the entities were supporting it; the ‘stretcher’ was free floating. Garry although he remembers none of this, does recall creatures approaching the car then a searing pain in his abdomen, as if his stomach muscles were being torn apart, as he says, “You know if you’ve been electrocuted, your muscles all cramp up and it’s really painful, you can’t let go, it was like that.”

For his part, Colin recalls walking up a ramp into the craft, which was lit by a dazzling white light. He remembers being in a circular corridor being led by one of the creatures. Although some of his recollections are hazy and seem to jump from scene to scene like a series of snapshots he distinctly recalls a room leading from the corridor.

The room was utterly featureless except for an unusual chair; it was curiously curved, almost organic in shape. He was stripped naked and placed unresisting in the chair and subjected to some form of non-intrusive physical examination. He also remembers lying back in the chair looking at the ceiling, it was corrugated, translucent, there was soft, diffused lighting filtering through.

This memory segued seamlessly into being naked in a transparent container made from a material rather like glass or Perspex; straps at the feet and ankles secured him.

Outside the container he could clearly see other men and women, all naked and all in transparent containers like his. Blowing around outside the container was a mist rather like the ‘fog’ created by dry ice for stage and film visual effects. He also saw a number of tall, humanoid creatures, one was standing framed in a doorway opposite him, and another three were approaching the container in which he was imprisoned.

Abruptly the transparent material of his container began to frost up, he became alarmed and began to weep, no sooner had he done this than the frosting began to retreat, almost like film sequence running in reverse, until the material was once again perfectly clear. Colin nervously watched as an angular device rose from the floor. It was long and thin, like a rod with a small triangular head; two glowing red lights were set into one of the sides.

There was a peculiar appendage about half way along the length of the device and the base was jointed at the floor. The entire machine moved up and down continuously and the appendage swung from left to right; although there was no pain, Colin thought it might be scanning him.

After Garry’s initial session his recall improved dramatically. Like Colin he described being in a featureless circular room lying on a flat table, he was unable to move although he does not recall being physically strapped down. He was aware of a black, lens shaped device in the centre of the room, the device was twisting and turning almost as if it were folding in on itself. It reminded Garry of a mobius strip. Although he had no idea of its function he heard it make a ‘whooshing’ noise as if air was being displaced.

He had a further impression that the device was ‘tuning’ or stabilising itself. Prior to the steady whooshing sound he had the distinct feeling that the sound emitted by the device was ‘wrong’ and lopsided, almost as if it was in some way out of balance or synchronisation. The even whooshing noise indicated that it was now functioning normally. As he watched the device in fascination he suddenly became aware of a long, thin translucent arm extending over his chest towards his head, the arm abruptly dropped onto his chest near to his shoulder.

This particular trauma affected Garry quite powerfully and he jerked out of the hypnotic trance his body convulsing. On another occasion, he remembers a hole forming in the floor; it was filled with a viscous liquid of some kind, like a gel. While he watched this, a small column rose from the floor, Garry described it as resembling a tin can. It continued to rise until it was around three feet above the floor; the device gave out a noise rather like an electric motor and began to rotate slowly. Part of the cylinder rose from the main body and extended towards him until it was level with his eyes.

The tip of he extension had two red, glowing dots, at this point Garry noticed the pool of liquid start to vibrate. From the liquid a tall, incredibly thin frail looking creature slowly, almost painfully, emerged. Although bearing a marked similarity to a traditional ‘grey’ it appeared emaciated, like a skeleton covered in skin. He remembers that the skin over its ribs looked discoloured and bruised.

He later discovered that all the creatures had difficulty with the gravity and atmospheric pressure on, particularly the tall, thin translucent creatures that frequently tended to fall over. It was his impression that due to the bruised appearance of the creatures, the pool of gel was some form of therapeutic agent designed to treat the damage caused by their frequent falls. Bizarrely, he also recalled a small man apparently quite human dressed in a neat black suit complete with collar and tie who was watching the proceedings. He was standing among the entities all of which seemed quite deferential towards him.

alien depiction

In all, Wood remembers there being around 20 or 30 creatures present, the majority tall, a pallid grey colour and frail looking. One notable variation from this was a smaller, rather bizarre looking being with an odd heart shaped face. On its face were some strangely familiar markings, these comprised coloured facial stripes, three, diagonally on each cheek.

These were reminiscent of the tribal markings normally associated with members of the Native American tribes. He looked at the creatures and mentally ‘asked’, “Why are you doing this”.

The answer that appeared in his mind was surprising and not a little disturbing, one word: “Sanctuary”. While he was in telepathic communication with the creature he was able to ‘see’ fragments of its existence as if the process was a two way street, the creature found this amusing but could not prevent it.

In a further mental communication the being ‘said,’ “In many was you are more advanced than us but you have been ‘capped’. Our existence is much like your own, we also have concerns and needs”.

Just what ‘capped’ means is open to question, but it is quite given what had already been communicated that the inference was, our development either psychological, physical or both, has been deliberately slowed down. Were we likely to present a threat to someone or were we perhaps too immature to deal with the responsibility that our development would bring? Rather like handing a child a loaded gun…perhaps.

Garry is certain that at one point they were taken underground; from the table where he lay, he could see tunnels leading off from a huge, central chamber hewn form solid rock, there was also an enormous machine close to him, possibly it was another flying machine like the one he had witnessed above the road Perhaps Gary’s most worrying memory was seeing a young woman seated naked on the floor, facing the wall; one of the tall creatures was standing beside her.

As Gary looked at her she turned her head towards him; her hair was in a loose shaggy perm with blond highlights. She was sitting shivering with her knees drawn up to her chin, her arms were wrapped around her knees cradling herself, she had been crying and was clearly in the same predicament as him. He is convinced that should they meet again he would recognise her instantly.

It should be stressed that Gary is totally sincere in his belief and his sincerity shows, he certainly does not give the impression that he concocted the whole thing.

Following the alleged abduction and subsequent regressions, Gary and Colin dealt with their ordeal in different ways; Gary became deeply involved in the study of UFO’s and the paranormal to the extent of setting up his own research group.

On occasions he has collaborated with another Scottish researcher, Ron Halliday. Colin on the other hand went in the other direction entirely and has effectively rejected the event and refuses to discuss the matter, but given the trauma associated with the incident this reaction is not totally unexpected. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








The following is a true and accurate account of my “close encounter” in Seattle, Washington, which occurred in 1993. I believe it was in the month of November.

It was a Sunday night about 9:30. I often had occasion to be driving north about that time of evening on Sundays, and I usually took the I-5 freeway. This time, however, I knew the freeway, northbound, was jammed up due to an accident. So I took an alternate route which eventually led me to what I think was East Marginal Way, right next to the main Boeing Aircraft facility in Seattle.

As I was traveling, northbound, I noticed three red lights low in the sky ahead of me and to my right. They were moving in unison, very slowly across my field of vision from east to west. At first, I thought they must be the lights of a low flying plane, perhaps about to land. Then I thought, no, they must be helicopters because a plane, even if it was landing, wouldn’t be moving that slowly.

The trouble was, I couldn’t actually see the craft or crafts that the lights were attached to. They were, maybe, a half mile ahead of me, about 30 degrees to my right. Normally, I wouldn’t have paid much attention to this because I’d been making that Sunday night drive past Boeing (although via the freeway) for twelve years.

This is also not too far from the Sea-Tac Airport. In all that time I’d seen plenty of airplanes and helicopters flying low in this area. But something was different this time. It took me a minute to realize what it was. It was the fact that the lights weren’t blinking. I thought that was odd.

It seemed to me every airplane or helicopter I’ve ever seen flying at night had blinking lights. I squinted my eyes as I drove toward the lights, trying to see just what I was actually looking at.

Although I was now only about two blocks away from being directly under the flight path of these lights, I still could not make out what they were attached to.

However, from their slow, steady movement, in unison, I was pretty sure all three of them were attached to a single object, rather than being independent of each other. By the time I was directly in line with their flight path, they were about to enter the airspace above Boeing Field to my immediate left.

At this point I was convinced it was a single, low-flying craft of some kind and I knew there was something very odd here. I pulled my car off to the side of the road and rolled down the window to get a better look. But the craft was now directly overhead so I had to get out of the car to see it…

I opened the car door and stepped out, craning my neck to see the craft as it passed slowly directly over my head at an estimated altitude of less than 500 feet (Note: at the actual time of the sighting my impression was that the craft was perhaps only about 150 feet above me).

I could see it was a gigantic black triangle. There is no other way to describe it because that’s precisely what it was; a huge, black, triangle; not just “sort of” triangular-shaped, like one of those stealth jets I’d seen photos of.

It was just one big, three-sided, cookie-cutter-straight-edged, black, geometric shape; a triangle with one large, round unblinking red light at each of its three corners, flat up against the underside of the craft. There was a high, gray cloud cover that evening, subtly lit by the Seattle city lights in the distance. I could clearly and without obstruction see the object like a huge, dense, black silhouette against this gray ceiling.

I stood there almost not believing what I knew I was seeing. I actually said to myself, “Ok. What, exactly, are you seeing? You’re going to want to remember every detail of this! Just the facts, now. What, exactly, do you see?”

I made a mental inventory. “Black triangle. Red light on each corner, flat up against the underside of the craft. They don’t blink…

(Note: at this point it has proceeded on past me and was now over Boeing field)… It looks like it’s about seventy-five to a hundred feet above one of the main Boeing hangars. It’s moving very slowly. Maybe five miles per hour. It’s heading west. It appears to be about the size of a football field.”

Suddenly I realized, as I stood there in the dark on this quiet empty street, the object didn’t make a sound! Maybe more than anything else, that’s what made the whole thing so eerie. Something that huge, that close, moving through the air at a snail’s pace should be making some kind of a sound. A hum. A rumble. Anything. But, no.

It just moved across the sky like something out of a Steven Spielberg movie with the volume turned off. I looked up and down the street to see if anyone else was witnessing this silent event, but the street was dark and empty in both directions.

It occurred to me, however, that the thing had just passed directly over hundreds of cars on the freeway which was only a few miles east of where I was standing. I looked up again at the mysterious craft now blending into the dark horizon. I watched it until I couldn’t see it anymore and then it was over.

I got back into my car and closed the door. The window was still open and I took another look. Nothing was there but the gray night sky, softly aglow from the distant city lights. It was as if nothing had happened. But believe me, it did, indeed, happen. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








On the evening of 29th September 1995, at around 9:30 pm in the Vejle region of Jutland, a 24-year-old man would experience a very similar encounter to that of Maarup a quarter of a century earlier.

The unnamed witness was visiting his parents at the time of the incident and was driving along the quiet roads with his Labrador dog in the vehicle with him. However, without warning, the instruments and electrics in his vehicle all began to “go wild”. Even the windscreen wipers were also making their way across the windshield of their own accord which was particularly strange as they remained switched to the off position.

At the same time as these bizarre events, the Labrador began to become increasingly agitated and nervous. As did the witness. Especially when he realized his car was suddenly coming to a stop and the engine was dead.

Worried that other motorists might be unaware of his predicament and would run into the back of him, the witness began to scan his surroundings. After being satisfied that he was, for the time being, alone on the road, he made several attempts to restart the vehicle once more. However, all attempts would prove fruitless.

It was then that he noticed the “strange sensation” that appeared to come from above him. It was a bizarre feeling, and one he would later describe as “oppressive” and “hard to describe”. As he was contemplating this unnerving feeling seemingly seeping in from outside, he became aware of an extremely bright light. So bright, in fact, that he would describe it as an “explosion” of light that occurred directly over his car.

He could tell immediately that the light was coming from above him. What’s more, it appeared to be “blinking or pulsing” and did so at “regular intervals”. He would look up through the windscreen of the vehicle and immediately saw a large oval shape hovering over the top of his car. Although there was a surge of fear running through him, he would open the door and lean outside so he could get a better view of the events unfolding around him.

He would estimate that the object was around 50 feet across and was only a little over ten feet away from the top of his vehicle. He would focus in on the underside of the object in order to make out as many details as he could. Maarup would recall there were several “concentric circles of light” that appeared to be in the middle of the object.

This is perhaps an interesting detail. As we might recall from the incident of Maarup, the middle section of the underside appeared to be where the light emanated from. The witness in the 1995 account would state that light appeared to be behind the grouping of circles. In fact, the light was so bright at the very center if the object the witness struggled to focus in fully on them.

One particularly striking detail that the witness would recall was how the lights “quivered” in a way he found quite bizarre.

He would continue to watch the object for several minutes before the lights suddenly began to grow lighter (much like in the Maarup case). By this point, he had returned into the car and watched the object move away from his location through the windshield.

It remained low to the ground as it moved away, only just above the treetops that hugged the roadside. Then, it would vanish out of sight within a matter of seconds. All the while, the object didn’t make a single sound.

After it disappeared, the witness would simply sit in his car, his dog still very much disturbed by the events. He would think the incident over again in his mind as he came to terms with the bizarre encounter.

After several more moments, he returned his hand to the car’s ignition key and turned it around. Much to his surprise – although a detail we have already noted that shows in many similar UFO encounters – the dashboard electrics, the engine, and the headlights all came to life as normal.

Still nervous and very shaken, he pressed down on the accelerator and continued on with his journey to his parents’ home.  Upon arriving, he would inform both of them of the encounter. Despite their encouragement to report the sightings, he would choose, at least initially, to remain quiet for fear of ridicule and of not being believed.

When he finally did report the incident, investigators would find him honest and trustworthy. And perhaps most importantly of all, credible. The incident, however, remains unsolved. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








On the evening of 13th August 1970 in Hadersley in southern Denmark, police officer, Evald Maarup was guiding his car through the quiet and peaceful countryside close to the border with Germany. It would be a drive that he would never forget and would change his outlook on the world forever.

It was around 10:30 pm when a sudden “bluish light” suddenly enveloped his vehicle. At the same time, the car engine suddenly died, and the car came to a stop. When he went to radio the situation to the police switchboard, he realized that the radio was also dead. In fact, no electronic equipment in the entire vehicle worked at all.

It was also around this time that he realized that the interior of the car had suddenly heated dramatically. As he peered out through the car windshield he could see that the bright light was the underside of an oval vehicle, similar to a hat-shape, although definitely made from a metallic exterior.

He watched, and it now appeared to be ascending once again into the sky above and so leading to the lead appearing to dim somewhat. As it did so, it appeared to Maarup that the object itself was “withdrawing the light” back inside it as opposed to literally becoming dimmer. When the light had fully vanished, he could make out what appeared to be a darker patch with several protrusions around it. This would suggest a physical device attached onto the underside of the object.

He would snap himself back to his senses and then reach for the Fujaxa camera that he always had in his police car. He managed to quickly snap several pictures which were developed the following day. However, they would show no details whatsoever due to the dark of the night sky.

It was as he was snapping the pictures that he realized that the object appeared totally silent. Indeed, there was not a sound of any kind around him. He would estimate the entire episode lasted around five minutes before the object disappeared from sight at great speed. Certainly faster than any conventional aircraft of the times.

Bizarrely, although something that is experienced in multiple other UFO encounters around the world, as soon as the strange object disappeared from view the electrics and engine of Maarup’s car came back to life.

What we need to know here is whether the dying out of respective car engines and electrics is a purposeful act on the part of the occupants of these strange crafts, or whether it is a coincidental consequence of being in such close proximity to them – perhaps because of electromagnetic energy in the propulsion systems.

Perhaps also interesting, was Maarup’s findings when he exited the vehicle once the craft had gone. Walking around the sides of the car in order to inspect it to discover if there was anything out of the ordinary, he discovered how “heated” the exterior appeared as if it had been left sat outside on a baking summer’s day.

He would return to the police station a short time later and would make an official report of the incident.

Shortly after making his report, the police officer was ordered to undergo a basic psychiatric evaluation. He was found to be of sound mind, and essentially, truthful and trustworthy. In short, there was no obvious reason to doubt his claims.

What is perhaps also interesting is that the police officer – perhaps expectedly – would receive a wave of criticism and abuse in the local and national press once the story arrived with them. Rather than cut him adrift, though, his fellow officers and superiors would publicly defend him, and his solid police record. NOTE: The above image is CGI,








On the evening of 11th November 1979, after a four-hour delay, the TAE Super Caravelle airliner, Flight JK-297 left Salzburg in Austria on its way to Las Palmas. After refueling in Mallorca, the plane retook to the skies on its way to its final destination.

However, at around 11 pm, the crew would receive a transmission from the Barcelona control tower. They would request that the plane switch to their emergency frequency as they had detected an emergency signal in the area. Realizing something out of the ordinary must have occurred, the captain, Javier Lerdo de Tejada switched to the requested frequency. As he was doing so, the navigator of the plane claimed there looked to be “something to the left” of the plane.

The rest of the crew turned their attention to their left-hand side. Immediately they noticed two strange red lights in the sky with them. And what’s more, they appeared to be heading in their direction.

Tejada would immediately request information from the control tower concerning the rapidly approaching objects. However, they would reply that they could see nothing at all on the radar systems apart from their plane.

With the tower unable to see the approaching glowing objects, Tejada made the decision to take the situation into his own hands.

An Emergency Landing Due To The Pursuit Of A UFO

After several moments, Tejada would change the course of the plane so as to avoid the oncoming lights. He would also begin to bring the plane down slightly. As he did so, he would radio the control tower at the nearby airport in Manises, Valencia and request permission to make an emergency landing.

All the while, the crew of Flight JK-297 maintained visual contact with the red lights. To their concern, the light also changed their direction and was continuing in pursuit of the aircraft. They would maintain this pursuit to around 50 kilometers of the Manises runway before suddenly changing direction again and breaking away from the chase.

At around 11:45 pm, over half an hour before the lights were first viewed, the plane touched down at its impromptu destination. However, while the two lights had indeed broken away from the chase, the plane’s radar immediately picked up three other anomalous signals.

What’s more, several other witnesses would report seeing the lights with their own eyes. These would include several airport employees who would light up the emergency runway thinking another plane was about to make an emergency landing.

Shortly after JK-Flight 297 came to a stop on the runway at Manises the passengers would leave the plane. Their journey would continue the following day. The Spanish Air Force, meanwhile, had become aware of the mysterious activity. And what’s more, they were preparing to take matters into their own hands.

A “Truncated-Cone Shaped” Object!

A little after midnight, from the Los Llanos Airbase, a Mirage F1 would head out into the night skies in search of these strange glowing crafts. Captain Fernando Camara was the pilot. And the flight he would undertake was certainly one he will likely not forget.

Although he would have to reach speeds of Mach 1.4, he would eventually announce visual confirmation of the lights. What’s more, the lights appeared to be part of a “truncated cone shape” which featured an extremely bright changing color. However, before Camara could get close enough to reveal any other details, the object disappeared out of sight proving much too fast for the Mirage F1.

A short time later, however, he would receive another radar signal. Once more, he would obtain visual confirmation of the same or similar object. This time, however, as he approached it, he would find that his flight systems were locked and out of control. Once more the strange object vanished into the distance. As it did so, the fighter jet’s systems returned to normal.

Camara would stay airborne for around 90 minutes before finally giving up the chase and heading back to base. The last confirmed location of the object was somewhere off the Spanish coast. It was heading toward the north coast of the African continent.

What the objects were, remains a mystery? As does what the purpose of their visit was. The account and ensuing investigation, however, would certainly throw up a mountain of possibilities.

It Wasn’t An Airplane!

The aftermath of the sighting was perhaps as interesting (and possibly telling) as the incident itself. Despite attempts to maintain a low profile over the strange events of 11th November 1979, including asking all airline staff not to speak about the incident publicly, it became increasingly harder to do so. So much so, that less than a year later in September 1980, the Spanish Parliament would publicly demand an investigation and explanation of the incident.

Journalist and eventual author of the book Incidente en Manises, J J Benitez would eventually speak with Captain Tejada. He would later claim that the pilot looked “very tired”, obviously a result of the bizarre incident.

He would state to Benitez that he wasn’t sure what the object was. However, he knew it wasn’t a conventional plane. Tejada would draw attention to the fact that he had over 8,000 hours in the air. And consequently had a good knowledge of aircraft. The fact their plane captured the lights on the radar suggested to Tejada that it “should have been some kind of metal”.

Ultimately, the captain would state, “the first thing we take into account is flight safety”.

And while Tejada himself made the decision to land the plane, it was the Spanish Air Force who suspected something untoward was in the skies over Manises. So much so, they would keep Flight JK-297 grounded until the following day.

The second pilot on the flight, Ramon Zuazo, would corroborate Tejada’s version of events. He would claim “we saw some unknown flying object”.

A Distinct Feel Of A Cover-Up

The previously mentioned book by Benitez is a great dissection of the case. And also cuts through the attempts to downplay (at best) and cover-up (at worst) the incident. The writer would state that the whole of Valencia was akin to a media circus such was the interest.

What’s more, the journalist also quickly picked up how the local and national newspapers would put any news regarding the incident across in completely different ways. This would depend on whether the source of the information was from a civilian or a military person.

What perhaps made matters even worse, certainly in the immediate aftermath, was that many of the passengers began to publicly doubt the reason the plane landed. Their suspicions were that after the original delay another (or perhaps the same) fault came to light.

This forced them to land and delay again. This would have surely put the company at risk of being liable for compensation. It was the suspicion so many of the passengers at the time that the UFO encounter was concocted. And was done so to avoid just such a scenario. Interestingly or not, not one of the passengers would come forward to claim they had witnessed anything strange.

The aviation authorities would quickly dismiss the passengers’ claims. They would ultimately praise the crew for their decisive action in such an unusual situation.








Mr Thomason’s first picture of the object coming out of the water. The three legs could be seen together with several port holes. When Eric Thomason in Maslin Beach, Australia, looked out across the ocean, he saw – to his great surprise – how an object rose from the waves and started flying towards him. When the object came nearer, Eric took out his camera and started taking photographs.

The photographs are quite sensational, and there are really just two alternatives: either Eric Thomason’s photographs are the most astounding.

Eric Thomason, 69, is a senior citizen living in Maslin Beach in southern Australia. Not far from his house is an old abandoned mine, Maslin Old Quarry, where he sometimes takes his dog for a walk.

In March 1993, Eric decided to try to document the old mine using his son’s camera, a Kodak S50 with a Fuji 100 ASA-film. Despite having never owned a camera of his own and having virtually no experiencing photographing, Eric set off in order to try to capture the beautiful colors of the open-cast mine from as many angles as possible.

And, a photo contest in the magazine “Southern Times-Messenger” about the best image of a sunrise over land also helped him in his decision. He thought he would be able to capture the sunrise on film from Ochre Point, a cliff 60 meters high from where hang-gliders used to take off – but the sun was hidden behind a dense layer of clouds.

Wednesday, March 10, didn’t appear to be much better. It was a cool morning, only 14 degrees Celsius, and a stubborn wind came from the west. From the top of the grassy cliff, Eric was forced to accept that there wasn’t going to be a sunrise that morning either.

A persistent layer of clouds blocked out the sun, and the time was 06:00 AM when Eric instead turned to face the ocean to the west.

– It was then that I saw a movement on the surface on the water, and something looking like the tower on an atomic submarine emerged, Eric tells UFO-Sweden.

When the object rose from the water I was able to see how three legs were pointing out from the hull. I was also able to see how it was spinning, and how the three legs were pulled in.

Before the legs were pulled in, Eric managed to take his first photograph of the object, and he estimates the distance to the object at the time being about 400 meters. It then dawned on him how exposed his position was. Standing on top of the Ochre Point with the sun right behind him made him an easy target to spot for a possible crew.

Maslin Beach UFO

Maslin Beach. An arrow points to the place were Mr Thomason was standing during the observation. – I had heard of people being abducted by UFOs, so I climbed down a slope nearby. From there I could see how the light-grey object came flying somewhat south of me, and came to a halt over the mine. At that very moment I spotted yet another object, north of the first one. That’s when I snapped my second picture, but since the light from the sunrise was straight into my view-finder I moved a little to the left.

Maslin Beach UFO

The main object has turned its bottom to the photographer and a second object has appeared a little farther away.

Maslin Beach UFO

Both of the objects in a slightly different position. While taking photographs from his hideout five meters below the top of the cliff, the new object moved towards the larger one, came to a halt, and then continued upwards, into a deepening in the larger object.

– I could see three lights on the exterior of the larger object and how it shone around the opening. Shortly after I’d taken the fourth and last photograph the larger object rose straight up and disappeared over me. When that happened, I could feel water dripping from the craft down on me.

Maslin Beach UFO

The main object with the second object slightly under a bit farther away. In a report form to the Australian UFO-group Australian Flying Saucer Research Society, Eric estimates the size of the object to be 40 meters, and the distance (when he first saw it rise from the ocean) to be 2 kilometers. While talking to him on the phone, Eric tells me how it never got closer to him than 400 meters.

When the incident was over, Eric returned home. However, despite his amazing encounter he decided to remain quiet about it, even to his wife. He first wanted to have the film developed in order to find out if there indeed were any photographs of it. But he was not in a hurry. Before he handed in the film for development he made sure to use up the entire film. And not until May, 1994, when he had watched a UFO show on TV, did he bring forward the photographs.

– At first he didn’t tell me anything since I wasn’t feeling well at the time, and later he believed that the photographs weren’t going to show anything, Mrs. Thomason says when UFO-Sweden talks to her. But after he had had the film developed he showed them to me. I’m certain it’s a spaceship. Eric is not the lying type, and I believe him.

Still, there are several details in his story that are worth pondering. Eric Thomason set his alarm clock to 05:45 in order to catch the sunrise, which took place around 06:00. During these 15 minutes, Mr. Thomason had time to get out of bed, put on several layers of warm clothing, bring his camera, fetch the dog at the back of the house, walk to Ochre Point (which according to Mrs. Thomason takes 5 minutes), climb the 60 meters tall cliff, wait for the failed sunrise, and then walk on to another site close by in order to look out over the ocean.

At 06:00 sharp he took his first photograph of the object. The bright blue sky on the first photograph suggests the images were taken later in the day.

In a letter, Eric describes what happened when the photographs were returned from the photo lab:

“When the film had been developed I noticed yet another object on the first photograph, which I hadn’t seen during the incident itself. A black dot in the distance, halfway between the object and the edge of the photograph, which might have been an airplane several kilometers away, or the smaller object on its way to intercept with the larger one.”







The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with “unidentified aircraft,” a significant new step in creating a formal process to collect and analyze the unexplained sightings — and destigmatize them.

The previously unreported move is in response to a series of sightings of unknown, highly advanced aircraft intruding on Navy strike groups and other sensitive military formations and facilities, the service says.

“There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years,” the Navy said in a statement in response to questions from POLITICO. “For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report.

“As part of this effort,” it added, “the Navy is updating and formalizing the process by which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities. A new message to the fleet that will detail the steps for reporting is in draft.”

To be clear, the Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official record and studied — rather than dismissed as some kooky phenomena from the realm of science-fiction.

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Chris Mellon, a former Pentagon intelligence official and ex-staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said establishing a more formal means of reporting what the military now calls “unexplained aerial phenomena” — rather than “unidentified flying objects” — would be a “sea change.”

“Right now, we have situation in which UFOs and UAPs are treated as anomalies to be ignored rather than anomalies to be explored,” he said. “We have systems that exclude that information and dump it.”

For example, Mellon said “in a lot of cases [military personnel] don’t know what to do with that information — like satellite data or a radar that sees something going Mach 3. They will dump [the data] because that is not a traditional aircraft or missile.”

The development comes amid growing interest from members of Congress following revelations by POLITICO and the New York Times in late 2017 that the Pentagon established a dedicated office inside the Defense Intelligence Agency to study UAPs at the urging of several senators who secretly set aside appropriations for the effort.







After midnight in Cashion, Arizona, not only was a similar craft sighted, but it would prove to be another encounter that features substantial missing time. The witness, along with their four children had taken the short journey from their home to a public park in the neighborhood. Despite the late hour – they arrived there at around 11 pm – as it was such a short distance, they remained there for some time enjoying the peacefulness of the late night hour.

However, as the witness was sitting for a moment they noticed a “big light” heading toward them. Within minutes, the object – which was distinctly triangular with white lights at each of its corners – was directly overhead. The witness and their children all stood mesmerized for several moments looking up at the triangular object.

Then, things took a rather disturbing turn.

After standing and staring up at the strange object, the witness and their children suddenly found themselves “screaming and running into the house”. It was a little after 1:20 am. Almost 90 minutes had passed, and yet none of those present could remember anything that had happened. They couldn’t even recall making the short journey from the park back to their home.

What is also interesting, after gathering themselves at home for a moment, only the main witness (the parent) and their 15-year-old son could recall anything of the events. Even when they arrived home, the other three children appeared confused as to why they were running.

This is perhaps an interesting detail. There are many accounts on record where one or two people witness and recall a UFO event, only for others who were also present to remember absolutely nothing. Almost as if, as the witness in this case states, they were “targeted” for the sighting while the others were intentionally “tuned out”. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








HI Ken: I heard a helicopter outside so I rushed over to the bedroom window to check it out. When I looked out of the window I could see that the helicopter was in fact the Devon air ambulance so I watched as it descended behind a house which then obscured my view. I went downstairs to get my Nikon p900 camera but none of the batteries that I tried were charged so I picked up my small Nikon coolpix L26 digital camera instead and went back upstairs to my bedroom where I stood patiently by the window waiting for the air ambulance helicopter to take off. After a while the air ambulance helicopter took off and ascended from behind the house giving me the perfect opportunity to take a photograph of it which I did. Then to my surprise I noticed a round object off to the left that was just hanging there in the sky so I immediately turned the camera in it’s direction to try and capture it in a photograph, but before I could the object flew off at incredible speed and unfortunately I lost sight of it.

I looked at the photograph that I had just taken and even though the quality of the photograph wasn’t that great I could still see that I had indeed managed to capture the object in the photograph along with the air ambulance helicopter. This camera normally takes perfectly clear photographs so why did this photograph turn out to be so dark and distorted. Could it be that this strange object had some type of affect on the camera causing the lack of quality in this photograph. I believe that it did. What was this object anyway and why was it observing the helicopter. I really cant understand why there are so many of these UFOs in this area? What on earth is going on? The photograph was taken‎ at 3:58 PM on the 26th of ‎March ‎2020, at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.








On the 15th of July in Charleston, South Carolina, yet another sighting of a triangular aircraft with glowing white lights at each corner would occur, although it would not come to light until three years later.

The witness was a passenger in a car that was returning her and a friend (who was driving) home from a nearby waffle house on the night in question. It was shortly after they turned on to a long stretch of road when the witness’s friend noticed and pointed out three white light in the shape of a triangle hovering or moving slowly above the treetops that accompanied the roadside.

The witness would recall that the lights were bright “but not glows” and appeared as though they were the end points of a solid triangular-shaped object. The witness would further describe the object as having the shape of a “nacho chip with a light at each of its points”.  What’s more, and like many other witnesses to similar crafts, she found it bizarre that such a large object was seemingly moving so slowly. After they observed the strange object for several moments, they both realized that it was completely silent.

Most bizarre, though, was the beam-like searchlight that emanated from the middle underside of the object. It would move “quickly and erratically, but smoothly” over the woodland below as if searching for something among the trees.

They would watch the events unfold for several minutes. However, when they went to turn their vehicle around, the object had disappeared by the time they had done so. The witness would question whether it was a discreet “target-practice” for an experimental military craft as opposed to something extraterrestrial, although she didn’t dismiss the possibility. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








According to the report, the first sighting occurred around 4 am in the early hours of 5th July 2004 in the Peterborough region of Ontario. The witness, along with his cousin, observed a “fast-moving object” cutting through the skies and heading toward Little Lake. Both were even more amazed several moments later when a “triangle of three lights” went past in the same direction.

Neither of the witnesses could believe what they had seen, but both realized that something extraordinary had taken place. They would, though, keep the encounter to themselves. Two days later, however, in the early hours of the 7th of July, at around 3:30 am, the main witness would be present at another bizarre, but similar sighting.

He was watching the sky due to two strange glowing objects he had witnessed “streaking” across the sky earlier in the evening. Now, though, as he stood in his yard, he had a sudden compulsion to turn around and look toward the General Electric plant which was east of his location. As he did so, he realized that the streetlamps “seemed to be changing color”. When he looked up, however, he could see the cause of this color change.

Above but to the side of the electric plant, and moving at around 5 miles per hour, was a “massive” triangular-shaped object. Then, it would stop completely and restart again, only this time heading sideways toward the General Electric building. On the side that was visible was three “brownish orange lights” at each of the triangle’s endpoints which, bizarrely even to the witness, had an “evil” feel to them. He continued to watch these strange events unfold before him.

The witness would later describe the exterior of the triangular object as a dark blue or black color, with a matt finish as opposed to shiny. On the underside, in the middle of the object was a “circular dome” which was unlit. It is unclear if this circular dome contained occupants, or whether it was even built and designed for that purpose. He would also notice several “indentions” that he took to be either insignia, doors, or hatches. He would continue to follow the slow-moving craft for around three minutes. Then, without any warning whatsoever, the object: …moved so fast you couldn’t even tell the direction it went in!

Although he would see the object twice more during the next few moments, both were at a much higher altitude. Although he couldn’t explain why, he couldn’t escape the feeling that the occupants of the craft were not at all friendly. And furthermore, he also had the feeling that they, whoever they were, were aware that he was watching their low-altitude journey.

However, perhaps the most concerning detail was that upon returning inside he discovered the time to be a little after 5:15 am. This meant as opposed to the several minutes he believed he had been outside for, he had, in fact, been gone for more than an hour. Was this merely a sighting incident? Despite the miscalculation of time (which may have been exactly that as opposed to an episode of missing time), there appears to be no other sign of an abduction incident. However, it is something to keep in the back of our minds.

He would also pick up on some strange details over the next few days following the incident. The very next day, for instance, he would discover that his next-door neighbor had to replace the alternator and the battery on his otherwise very reliable Dodge. That might have been coincidental enough, but when he had to do the exact same thing with the second vehicle on his property, it appeared that something truly out of the ordinary had taken place overnight.

The witness would find the stereo in his own car “completely fried” upon inspection, and while the battery wasn’t completely dead, it was several hours later. There was also, according to the witness, a burnt aroma in the air for several days following the sighting.

He would further recall that on several occasions during the sighting he would feel “lost” or that he was confused at to what was happening or where he was. While this might have been a normal mental reaction to an extraordinary situation, given the missing time experienced by the witness, it is perhaps an important detail.

He would also note how he had some “weird dreams” in the days and weeks after the incident. As well as taking note of things he previously hadn’t. For example, he had a sudden appreciation for and understanding of architecture.

Perhaps most interesting, though, was the sudden discreet “psychic twinges” he would suddenly experience. He would know when the phone was about to ring or when someone was going to knock at the door right before it would happen, for example.

These details, both the new appreciation for things around you and a sudden, if discreet “psychic ability” is perhaps the most intriguing detail of the case. Not least, as it comes up often in close contact accounts. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








On January 28, 1994, at the beginning of the afternoon, the crew of Air-France flight AF-3532 (Nice to London) observed an unusual phenomenon. UFOCOM asked some questions to the pilot and commander of the flight, Jean-Charles Duboc.


You were a flight commanding officer at AIR France and on January 28, 1994, you have encountered an unusual phenomenon as you were doing the Nice to London flight 3532. Could you tell what you witnessed?

I was indeed commander of flight AF-3532 of January 28, 1994, with copilot Valerie Chauffour, and 24 passengers on board.

I have kept a copy of the “OCTAVE”, which is the data-processing follow-up of the flight and I can specify that above the Paris area at the altitude of 11700 meters (FL 390), the outside temperature was of minus 59 Celsius degrees, and with a wind from the North-West had a speed of1 80 km/h (311°/101 kts).

The visibility was of more than 300 km (150 Nm) and the cloud cover consisted of altocumulus. The flight encountered no air shakes. The navigation was under excellent weather conditions, in spite of the facing wind of almost 130 km/h (70 kts). That gave us a ground speed of 650 km/h (350 kts).

The takeoff hour in Nice was 00h56PM UT and the arrival hour in London 02:13PM UT.

It was a particularly calm flight, without particular problem. We arrived above Coulommiers when a steward who was in the cockpit noticed an object which he thought could be a weather balloon. This object was then seen by the copilot and myself a few moments afterwards.

According to their description it seemed to have a variable form and to come very quickly across our road. I first identified it like an aircraft facing us, at approximately 45 km (25 Nm), at an altitude of approximately 10500 meters (25 Nm) and at an angle close to 45°.

I found this slope absolutely abnormal because aircraft are not inclined at this altitude beyond 30 degrees without risking to fall down. This object seemed to us then absolutely abnormal by its size which seemed immense, its dark red color and of the fuzzy edges. I had the impression to observe a gigantic lens in evolution.

It did not resemble anything we had seen in our flying careers.

This object, this phenomenon, remained motionless while we left it on our left side, still at an approximate distance of 45 km. We observed it during a good minute, conscious that we were seeing something utterly anomalous. We continued to observe it when it gradually merged with the environment. We saw it becoming translucent, transparent, diluted in space. That was absolutely amazing.

After some interrogations we contacted the control center of Rheims to announce this unidentified object to them, as we are required by air transportation regulation.

Was this “object” tracked by your instruments? What about he black box of flight 3532? Were the communications between your aircraft and the control center in Rheims recorded?

Our ON BOARD instruments are not intended to locate other aircraft.

The airborne radar is only intended to locate storms in order to be able to avoid the air movements ascending and descending, associated with them, characteristic of these clouds, the cumulonimbus. During this event the radar was not in operation, as it is only necessary in instrument flying (IFR).

In the same way, the black box cannot in any case detect aircraft or phenomena far away from the plane. On the Airbus 320 there is a first recorder which is the Quick Access Recorder (QAR). It records only flight parameters, speed, altitude, mechanics, engines, electric, etc. It is analyzed by the maintenance service.

The second recorder, the DFDR, has the same recordings but must support the constraints of an accident. This recorder is analyzed only if a crash occurs or on request of the crew. As no parameter of our flight has been modified, the tapes were not analyzed because it would have been pointless.

The UFO was at nearly 45 km of our aircraft, and there has been no electric or magnetic disturbances.

On the other hand this UFO was approximately 10 km above Paris, and the Parisian people, under layer of clouds, were much closer to the UFO than we were. If there had been electromagnetic disturbances, a few million people would have noticed it.

The communications were always preserved, and it is the same for the main TV and radio shows!

Which were the continuations of this affair, at a professional and personal level? Have you been interviewed by the civilian or military authorities?

In the immediate, the continuations were non-existent, because I did not submit a written report to avoid being ridiculed. It was three years later, as I read an article from Paris Match, which described how a UFO has been detected above Paris, that I made the connection between this UFO and that what I had seen.

I then submitted a report to the Gendarmerie Nationale French police, having an SOP for collection of UFO reports. NOTE: The above image is CGI.








Hi Ken: I was in my bed fast asleep when I suddenly awoke…. To my surprise over by the window there were three fiery orange glowing spheres of light that were in a line just hanging there in the air. I was very alarmed by this so I sat up in bed and just stared at  them wondering what the hell they could be. There was no movement from them at all and I was really perplexed by these tennis ball sized spheres. I had seen these types of sphere UFOs before in many pictures and videos over the years but to see them in my house especially in my bedroom was scary. I was unsure of there intentions as I just stared at them intently waiting for anything to happened… Then about 8 minutes later something did indeed happen. A small white light emerged from the middle fiery sphere and flew towards me before it stopped. The white light was translucent in nature but was very bright. I have seen these small types of white lights before at Teignmouth they seem to follow me around while I walked along the path next to Brunel’s railway. I had always wondered what they were and where they had originated from. It is pretty clear to me now that these small lights are some type of surveillance device. I really must of caught the unwanted attention of someone because of my deep research into ufology… I watched the small light for a while before I turned my attention back to the three fiery orange glowing spheres of light which had now began to fade away. I watched as they completely faded out and disappeared. I then watched as the small translucent white light began to move towards me. It flew right up to my face and then slowly moved around my head like it was scanning me. I tried to grab it but it had no substance to it. Even though it was made of light I could see that it was some type of technology. It was far beyond my understanding. Our scientist are only just starting to understand quantum mechanics utilizing quantum bits for computing and I’m telling you this was really next level stuff… this technology was on a spectral level. The light then flew out of the closed window passing straight through the glass. This translucent white light still comes back inside the house from time to time to spy on me and see what I am up to. It’s very strange to know that I am under surveillance by an unseen force somewhere out there. This incident took place back in August of 2018 at Newton Abbot Devon England. Stay safe my friend All the best John.

John Mooner is the Chief Investigator for World UFO Photos.









Mongo, IN, is located approximately 40 miles NNW of Fort Wayne, approximately 5 miles from the Michigan border. The prime witness (referred to as JK) was an area fire supervisor for the Forest Management Division, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, residing in Jackson, MI. DB was the firefighter from Howell, MI who took the pictures. FB: Cass City, MI, retired, Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

One of the witnesses was a retired Michigan State Trooper from Carroll, MI. Another was a retiree from the U.S. Postal Service. The latter did not think the object was a UFO. There was one other witness, six in all. The sighting was brief, estimated at 1-3 minutes. Six men, all retirees from age 45 on up, were sitting around a campfire at the Trading Post Campgrounds at Mongo, IN, on Wednesday, August 31st, 1994. The time was approximately 8:30 PM, Indiana time; 9:30 PM Michigan time (EDT).

The UFO Filter Center at Mt. Vernon, IN (also HQ for the Indiana Group, MUFON) received the initial report on 10/07/94, by phone. FIT Linda Dahlkemper had called me (State Director) at 11:00 AM. On the 21st, UFOFC received blow-ups of two photos, #8 and #9, drawings by the prime witness, and some news clippings.

The photos were impressive. Although the images were small and taken at night, one photo looked very much like the famous Trindade Island photo. I attempted contact with Jeff Sainio, Photo Analyst, left message on his recorder.

At approximately 10:00 AM, on 10/22, I conducted a taped telephone interview with the prime witness (JK). A letter and six Form 1’s were sent to the prime witness. I requested witness send copy of photos to me AND Jeff Sainio. The following are notes taken from the phone conversation:

“Off to the southwest it looked like the moon, glowing through the treetops, and it was low. I said, ‘that can’t be the moon’, ’cause we are in the last phase. (Moon not visible anyway). Then it started moving. Then it moved right out from behind the trees into an open area near a road and hovered toward us. And it was clear as can be.

It was a flying saucer, just that vivid. The object glided into our area at a shallow angle, turned toward us and began to hover. Standing still, the white glow turned transparent. It looked like a white strobe light on the top of the dome. A bright red flash of light under the bottom flashed 3 or 4 times like a strobe and it disappeared to the south and east very quickly, within 2 seconds.”

Before it had gone they got at least four good pictures. One of the individuals who was taking pictures around the campfire that night had a Vivitar fully automatic 35 mm camera, loaded with 400 ASA color film. He was instructed to grab his camera and shoot. He had been out West with a fire crew, fighting fires and had taken pictures out there. The lens was standard, not telephoto.

Newspaper accounts show at least two other good witnesses (the Martins) testifying that this was no blimp. Reports of a blimp (Family Channel) in area. Finally, a man, his wife, and two daughters saw the same or similar object at Hamilton, IN, and took videos. Their sighting was at 8:45 PM and a little over 20 miles SE of Mongo. The object was less than 100′ up and there was no sound. Although some of video was erased, the object in one scene is large, pear shaped, and definitely not a conventional object.

A drawing was supplied with the blow-ups of negatives #8 & #9, and witness states that this is what the UFO looked like, as it was very bright and coming in, first like the moon. Object had panels that could be seen when the object was due south. He says drawing/photos don’t do justice to the actual event. There was absolutely no noise. Three dogs did not react in any way.

He was out hunting the next day and actually saw the Family Channel Blimp that others had reported. “There is no way in hell (that) we saw a blimp that night.”

The object they saw and photographed on the 31st was no further than 1/4 mile away, and from 500′ high to as low as 100′ at one point. Witness then states the object was more vivid when first coming in. Apparently the object was receding on subsequent shots. At first he thought the object to be a bright meteor. It didn’t take long for them to realize that the object was not a meteor. In negative #4 & #5 you “can see a distinct line right around the center”, he said.

Source Test, Natural: All natural sources were eliminated. An EZC Skyplot for Mongo coordinates during time slot shows three planets as conspicuous targets. Jupiter and Venus were in the SW, Saturn was in the SE. Description of object, movement, and number of witnesses precludes a misidentification of an astronomical object.

Also, an on-site investigation by John Timmerman of CUFOS failed to show any other natural source that might explain the sighting.

Source Test, Man-Made: Advertising, commercial, military, and private aircraft eliminated. A blimp seemed possible. Witness testimony appeared to rule this out. Later analysis by Dr. Richard Haines effectively ruled out any type of blimp or any other source. We had already eliminated a balloon, fixed structure, hoax (on witness or by witnesses).

Twelve witnesses were reliable, object was real, description and photos (and a video) indicate an unidentified craft was in the area, along with a possible blimp.

Evaluation: Unidentified craft. Berliner Strangeness Scale: 2 (Night object); Berliner Credibility Scale: 7 (Still photo(s) by professional). Speiser Strangeness Factor: S5 (Highly strange; suggests intelligent guidance); Speiser Credibility Scale: P5 (Highly credible, leaving almost no doubt).

The self-luminous aerial object seen and photographed at Mongo, Indiana on August 31, 1994, has remained unidentified after the various evaluations cited above. On the one hand, its overall shape and flight characteristics are not unlike many scores of other UFO reported for more than fifty years from around the world, many of which were captured on photographs.

On the other hand, a blimp definitely was seen during the night of August 31, 1994 in the Mongo area. The aerial object photographed cannot be positively identified at this time. It remains a UFO. The witnesses also claim the object at one point was less than 100′ over them, was as big as a football field, and made no noise!