
On 18th March 2020, I was walking with a group of four friends over the old Oswestry hill fort in Shropshire, UK. We had stopped to take some tea and while we were getting this ready we all heard a humming and buzzing noise approach us from behind and to the North West. We turned around and literally in the sky right in front of us was this very weird looking triangle shaped ‘thing’s that was clearly not any aircraft I have ever known or seen. It was moving slowly sort of towards us and quite low, I would say approx 400 to 500ft altitude. It made a slight turn and flew from right to left in front of us heading in a Southerly direction towards the town of Shrewsbury. This craft was actually quite bizarre looking and made this strange hum as it flew by. I am a retired Royal Air Force air traffic controller with 20 years service and I have never seen or known anything like this before I retired in 2019, so I am fully aware of all drone technology in the military, and can confirm that this was not anything even remotely near that! I have seen some pretty exotic aircraft in my time, and have been based at places like MoD Boscombe Down, but this craft was unlike anything in had ever seen before!









Elon Musk‘s plan to deliver universal internet access via a network of low Earth orbit satellites has left some stargazers confused, after the first batch prompted hundreds of UFO reports.

SpaceX launched the first 60 satellites of its Starlink project last week, which the private space firm says will form the first part of a 12,000-strong satellite network that will beam high-speed internet back down to Earth.

The size of the satellites also mean it is unlikely that people looking up at the night sky will be able to see them with their naked eye. 

Reports from some astronomers, however, suggest the solar panels on the Starlink satellites create a flare, causing them to appear brighter than any star that they are passing in front of.

Mr Musk, the CEO of the space firm, said the first 60 satellites deployed successfully but will not be operational until another 800 have been launched.

Below is a photo of the alien craft, it was extracted from the video.









On the 25th of February, a story broke concerning an apparent UFO that had come a little too close to the International Space Station. What’s more, it remained in the picture for around 20 minutes. We, like many other UFO researchers, have pointed out before how the International Space Station has been the apparent target of UFOs on numerous occasions. Normally, however, the live broadcast switches to a screen stating there were “technical difficulties”.

On this occasion, the cameras would “remain locked on it”. As the footage surfaced online it would spread like wildfire. As did the theories as to what it was in the first place.

Estimates of its size would largely agree it to be the approximate size of a bus and was likely traveling somewhere in the region of 7.8 kilometers-per-second.

As to what the craft might be theories ranged from the obvious claims of an extraterrestrial craft to a top-secret United States space plane (the X-37B, for example, is known to perform operations at such an orbit).

Whatever the object proves to be – if indeed there is ever an explanation offered – it will likely continue to be debated around the world for some time to come.

You can check out that footage below.








On Friday 16th September, at approximately 10:15, 62 children from Ariel School, a private primary school in Ruwa (about 20 km from Harare), were in their playing field for the mid-morning break.

Suddenly, they saw three silver balls in the sky over the school. These disappeared with a flash of light and then reappeared elsewhere.

This happened three times and then they started to move down towards the school with one of them landing (or hovering) over a section of rough ground made up of trees, thorn bushes, and some brown-grey cut grass with bamboo shoots sticking up out of the ground.

The children are not allowed in this area although it is adjacent to their playing field and is not fenced off, because of snakes, spiders and perhaps other harmful creatures. One can soon disappear from view while walking here, and there is only one very rough track used by tractors in an attempt to clear this area.

There is a line of electricity pylons and according to one boy, the object followed along this line prior to landing. There is also some controversy as to whether the object landed on the ground or hovered above it.

On Tuesday, 20th September, I went out to the school with a BBC reporter and their television equipment, as well as my son and Gunter Hofer, a young man who builds his own electrical equipment, a Geiger counter, a metal detector, and a magnetometer, to try and see if the object left any traces behind.

The headmaster of the school is Mr. Colin Mackie, who was most co-operative, and although he had never been involved with UFOs or a believer in them, said that he believed the children had seen what they said they saw.

I was able to interview about 10 or 12 older children and this was recorded for BBC television.

Zimbabwe Student Drawing

One eyewitness, Barry D., said he had seen three objects flying over, with flashing red lights. They disappeared, and reappeared almost immediately, but somewhere else. This happened about three times.

Then they came and landed near some gum trees; Barry said the main one (object) was about the size of his thumb nail held at arm’s length.

The reports were similar, although some children were more observant than others.

The consensus of opinion was that an object came down in the area where they indicated, about 100 metres from where they were at the edge of the school playing field.

Then a small man (approx 1 metre in height) appeared on top of the object. He walked a little way across the rough ground, became aware of the children and disappeared.

He, or someone very like him, then reappeared at the back of the object.

The object took off very rapidly and disappeared. The little man was dressed in a tight-fitting black suit which was ‘shiny’ according to one observant girl (11 years of age). He had a long scrawny neck and huge eyes like rugby balls. He had a pale face with long black hair coming below his shoulders.

I had suggested to Mr. Mackie prior to visiting the school and before the children had been interviewed, that he let the children draw what they had seen and he now has about 30-40 drawings, some of which are very explicit and clear, although some are rather vague.

The childrens’ ages vary from 5/6 to 12 years. I have 22 photocopies of the clearer drawings as Mr. Mackie kindly allowed me to page through the pictures and choose those I wanted.

Most of the descriptions are similar but some of the craft are very obviously ‘flying saucers’, and I wonder how many of these children have had access to the media. Others are crude but more or less in this saucer shape.

Zimbabwe Student Drawing

The children vary in cultures: there are black, white, coloured and Asian children. One little girl said to me, ‘I swear by every hair on my head and the whole Bible that I am telling the truth.’

I could see the pleasure on her face when I told her that I believed her. The smaller children from 5-7 years were very frightened at the time and ran shouting ‘Help me, help me.’

When the older children asked why they were saying this, the reply was, ‘He is coming to eat us.’ I should think this applied more to the black African children who have legends of tokoloshies eating children.

Their teachers were in a meeting and did not come out. When I queried the headmaster about this he said the children always shouted and yelled during their playtime and no one thought there was anything unusual going on. The only other adult available at the time was one of the mothers who was running the tuckshop.

When the children came to call her, she did not believe them and would not come out: she was not prepared to leave the tuckshop with all the food and money.

Gunter and the men thoroughly examined the ground around where the children had seen the object, but could get no reaction on the geiger counter or any other equipment. If the object was hovering perhaps nothing would show.

Zimbabwe Student Drawing

I walked, on my own, along the electricity pylons for quite a away, caught up in thorn bushes, trampling blithely over snake holes and discarding all caution. I found no place where some object could have landed and pressed down the foliage. In fact, I should think the bamboo stumps would have been a deterrent. The day was hot, around 33 C (91F)…

Dr John Mack was visiting Zimbabwe at the time of the event, and he spent two days at Ariel School with the children. He also spoke to the Headmaster, Colin Mackie, the teachers and some of the parents. John and his fellow researcher, Dominique Callimanopulos, were able to get through to the parents and teachers and convince them that even if they did not believe the children, it was counter-productive to accuse them of lying. Listen and think about what they were saying, he advised. NOTE: The above image is CGI.









Having seen the phenomenon many nights in a row a friend and I decided to mount spotting scopes cameras and high powered laser pointers to tripods in an effort to document the ongoing phenomenon in the Atlanta area. The closest object appear to be 300 to 500 yards away . As many as 15 to 20 objects were visible in the area and generally moving in a southwest direction.

Objects were obeserved to be stationary at times and then moving rapidly at others . the objects were recorded as they responded to a blue laser pointer the total time of the encounter was about two hours it would be noted pointing digital or optical lenses directly on the objects made focusing difficult. Once we used the laser was used one lowered greatly in altitude and approached to close proximity to us. It was star like and we trained the laser on it. That’s the footage. While we were busy with that one we found others had come in low behind us as if observing and displaying a pack hunting character. Strange days indeed. I would not and as in the pics it seemed to be able to effect the laser in a strange way at times .









Hi Ken: I had an incredible signing today. I was in the back garden sky watching and I had just zoomed in on a clear blue part of the sky with my Nikon P900 camera, when all of a sudden a saucer shaped craft flew directly into view. I was looking through the viewfinder at the time and I was very surprised by what I saw. I really wasn’t expecting to see any UFOs that close up. I was totally amazed. I could see that the surface of the saucer was very dirty looking like it was covered in soot, but what really caught my eye was the fact that I could see some sort of violet coloured energy being discharged from the back of the saucer shaped craft as it moved forwards through the air. I had never seen anything quite like it before. I could hardly believe what I was seeing… I quickly took a photograph of the saucer while moving the camera to follow the saucer as it flew across the sky. I was trying my best to hold the camera steady but it was almost impossible at such high magnification. The saucer then increased it’s speed and unfortunately I lost sight of it. I tried to reacquire the saucer in the viewfinder of the camera but it was no good, it was gone. The saucer had been at a very high altitude and I definitely wouldn’t of seen it without my Nikon P900 camera. It was just sheer luck that I was already zoomed in to that part of the sky when the saucer had flown in to view. What on earth could this strange unidentified saucer craft be? The photograph was taken at 10:58 AM on the 11th of ‎March 2020 at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.

John Mooner is the Chief Investigator for World UFO Photos





John Mooners web site is



The stunning continuation of an intensive study of UFO phenomena in which the hard science, technology, and the human mind are explored as they relate to our world and the encounters that people are still having today. In Sekret Machines: Gods , the cultural, historical, and religious aspects of mankind’s encounters with UFO’s was explained by Open Mind’s 2017 UFO Researcher of the Year and To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science founder Tom DeLonge with renowned research author Peter Levenda . Here, they continue their revelatory work in a thoroughly-researched expose that seeks to solve the scientific mysteries of the unidentified aerial phenomenon, the UFO experiencers whose lives were changed forever, and what it means for all mankind. To this end, they have divided their study into three fields of inquiry: Genetics and the ET Hypothesis. Was life on Earth actually initiated by alien life forms deliberately? Many cultures worldwide hold clues in their mythos that points to this. But for what ultimate purpose would this have? And what does that make humanity?

Consciousness. If the building blocks of life were truly transplanted by a higher intelligence with intent, was our human concept of consciousness included in that DNA? And as we evolve, are we headed toward eventual immortality as sentient beings? Human-Machine Symbiosis. In this section, the concept of technological advancement is explored–focusing on our own astounding achievements in recent years in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and robotics–which leads to a much deeper question: If we have come so far so fast, what unfathomable level of technology must the phenomenon already possess? In Sekret Machines: Man , DeLonge and Levenda go beyond the lies fed to the public for decades–using unsealed confidential records, expert analysis, and eyewitness testimony from scientists, civilians, military personnel, researchers, and UFO experiencers to reveal the wide-ranging influence that UFO forces have had upon our past, continue to exert on our present, and may hold for our future. Truly a well written and researched book that should be on every Ufologist read list.

To buy this excellent book, go to …,+man+and+war+by+tom+delonge&tbs=vw:l,mr:1,cat:784,pdtr0:955598%7C955605,init_ar:SgVKAwiQBg%3D%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ-ua51IvoAhWXknIEHe7bBFEQwQkI_gQoAA&biw=914&bih=450








Driving home on an extremely misty night I noticed four lights very close together and low in the sky. I was on a date and we pulled over to see what we were looking at because we couldn’t understand why there would be so many. We drove after the crafts to figure out what they were. Only to realize as we looked there were more and more of them at every direction. We stopped in the road when we came to a field on our left with a clear view of two crafts coming in from the left together and another craft closer to us and low down joining up with the other two while two more crafts where approaching from higher heights from our right. They all were blinking And  completely quiet about the size of a car just barely over the tree line as well as at varying heights and distances in the sky. Some were moving faster than others but they seemed to be merging in some places and then continuing onwards while others floated around by themselves . All of the crafts had lights on them and because the night was so cloudy they all stuck out in the sky even the far away ones. We then drove Up to a cemetery on the top of town to get a better view and for over an hour saw over 30 of these aircraft some moving together then splitting up some just hovering while others moved close nearby them.  Generally they were all heading in the east direction whether they immediately sped up to go in that direction or hovered in their area before eventually going over until out of view. I was able to see at least 10 at any given time and various distances away and heights throughout the sky with very dense fog on the ground. They seem to be never ending and unclear of where they all were coming from but it was obvious they were all heading in a similar direction I eventually started my drive back home again and saw a few more of them less concentrated and more staggered throughout the sky but right before I got into the next town over there was no mist and the skies were completely clear and empty there. Many people I know keep trying to tell me I saw drones, but I these had a solid structure with a wide front that was a front width of the length of a car . Seemed Pancake shaped with edges to it as well as a wide front. The sheer number of them as I know there where many more than what I saw in that hour is the most alarming to me. I followed up with the drone academy of NJ-the next day which isn’t far from that town and they reported no meet ups or any events that could have explained what I saw. They mentioned maybe government operations and to call local police. I did and they had no reports that night and said given the closeness of local small airports it’s unlikely anything non commercial would be allowed in that airspace. The officer I spoke to said growing up in the town that on a few occasions he himself had witnessed strange hovering lights overhead driving into town from the same direction I was. Still freaked out but very sure of what I saw. What I saw was unexplainable. I’m just happy someone else was with me to also witness it. NOTE: The above image is CGI.

Chief Investigator Glenn Green of MUFON New Jersey is investigating this case.









I am a 69 yeard old male. What I am about to describe happened to me when I was 16 years old. I have kept this event to myself my entire life as I believed no one would truly believe me. As I enter the winter of my life I wish to leave my story and perhaps it will help serious investigators with the UFO phenomenon.

I spent nearly all of my summers at a friend’s family cottage bordering Echo Lake, in Chepachet, Rhode Island. This is located in Northwest Rhode Island bordering Putnam, Conn. One early morning in July of 1966 I was up at sunrise and decided to go fishing at the end of our fishing dock which is approximately 20 feet over the water. It was a beautiful sunny morning, I was dangling my feet in the water and paying attention to my line when a dark shadow caught my attention. Turning to face the east I thought at first it was a storm coming in over the water when I noticed this gigantic disk coming toward me from the edge of the lake which I suppose was about 2 miles away from me. It had two rows of very large elongated dark windows in the center and descended slightly above the lake. It was no more than 50 feet in front of me when it turned west just above the pines and headed out. I heard several sirens coming from nearby Route 44. There were about 4 vehicles racing, police, sheriff, fire trucks following this object. For someone with investigative experience, I’m sure you could get their records. If someone from Mufon would contact me I can give significantly more detailed information. Date of event July 4, 1966. NOTE: The above image is CGI.

This case is under investigation by State Director Ken Pfeifer of MUFON Rhode Island.








Hi Ken : I was in the back garden sky watching when I spotted what at first I thought was a passenger plane, but as I watched it for a while I could see that it was moving way to fast to be a commercial plane so I zoomed in on it with my Nikon P900 camera only to be shocked by what I saw. I could now see that it was in fact a long aerodynamically looking shaped object that was completely wingless in design. It was glowing a brilliant white and it was definitely not any known type of aircraft that I had ever seen before especially with those strange characteristics. I was completely baffled as to what it could be. I had been looking at it through the viewfinder of the camera with my left eye so I decided that I needed to get a better look at the object with both eyes so before I put down the camera I took a photograph of the object and then placed the  camera down on the garden table. I then picked up my binoculars and began looking through them at the object. I could now clearly see that the aerodynamically shaped glowing white object was not alone in the sky, there was in fact another object directly beneath it that appeared to be cylindrical shaped. I watched in amazement as these unidentified objects both flew across the sky together in perfect sync matching each others air speed as they headed west. The objects were both leaving contrails behind them in the sky and anyone observing them from the ground would of probably thought that the contrails were from a passenger plane passing thought the air high above the area, but how wrong they would of been assuming that. This was something else. As I continued to watch the unknown objects through my binoculars they flew off over the horizon where I unfortunately lost sight of them. I was left scratching my head… What on earth could they have been and where did they originate from? I had only taken one photograph of the strange objects at the time as I had been so transfixed on them through my binoculars. I just couldn’t look away. What on earth could they of been anyway? Could it be that the government have teamed up with extraterrestrial forces to develop some type of new supersonic aircraft that they are now test flying high above the skies of Devon. The photographs were taken at 1:13 PM on the‎ 27th of ‎February 2020, at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.









My friend at the time called me and said he had seen some “ufos”, I thought he was seeing things, but humored him and said we could get together the next night for a poker game and see the so called “ufos” m father in law and I went to Mondovi Wisconsin to play cards. While playing, around 8 pm he noticed the lights, so we all went outside (My friend, his wife, my father in law and myself). I had brought a camera, as well as a video camera to record the lights and explain to him what we were seeing, that being said, my Father n law was in the Air Force when he was younger and I lived on many Military bases and knew a lot about jets, Helicopters etc, I thought I’d easily explain the light to him to prove they were not ufos. After about 5 minutes, I knew without a doubt as well as my father in law these were NO, JETS OF ANY KIND, HELICOPTERS, BALLOONS, RADIO TOWERS, BLIMPS, and surely not Drones (drones were not out as of this year. We observed these “lights” for about an hour and a half. I took a lot of pictures and some video, wish I’d have taken more but was so dumbfounded as to what I was seeing and trying to explain to myself what they were… I can NOT explain what we saw. As stated above, nothing I knew of could have did what these lights were doing, they fly slow as times from east to west, north n south. And faster at times, no abrupt changes in direction but would “disappear ” and show up miles away in seconds or an instant. I’m not seeking any kind of fame, tv etc don’t even care about credit for pics and video, just would like someone to view them and tell me what they think we seen. , that’s all….you look at the pics and decide for yourself. Not all were the same shape as you can see in the pics. Note, the camera I was using was one of the first digital cameras out, an old Toshiba 4 mg Pixar camera, and you can get the pictures for any manipulation and will not find any … this is exactly as they were taken. It took me years to figure out weather or not to even post them or tell anyone other than family, but, I’m to curious as to what they were. I thank you for your time, and hope you can explain what these are… Thank you, Sincerely, I’m trying to upload more pictures but it only let me upload one.

KENS NOTE: Why MUFON would classify this case as IFO, Identified Flying Object is a total mystery to me. It alarms me of the possible debunkers in this organization.









SAN FRANCISCO — An airline transport pilot with 14 years’ experience in commercial aviation can’t quite explain what he saw at 11 PM, November 3, 2004. The jetliner P.A. was flying was making its approach into San Francisco.

The jetliner was approaching the city from the east, passing just north of Stockton, when P.A. received instructions from the tower to descend from 35,000 to 24,000 feet (10,500 to 7,200 meters). And then it happened.

“While approaching San Francisco from the east,” he reported, “an orange dot began to glow and seemed to flash higher up to the west of us. I thought that it was a planet. It then changed color from orange to white. Again, I thought a planet could be illuminated through a (local) atmosphere that would explain the color change.”

“It then began to move in a northeasterly direction. Once again, being in an airplane, it is very easy to think an object is moving, from small corrections the autopilot makes. I found a handful of stars to serve as a reference point and verified that the object was slowly moving north.

It moved about 30 degrees and then stopped. Then, it made a slight tangent to the right and continued moving for about 20 more degrees.” “It stopped and turned again to the right and continued for 10 degrees, then stopped again and disappeared.”

“The whole sighting ran about two minutes or so from start to finish. It was difficult to judge the actual distance and speed. When I talk about ‘moving in degrees and turning,’ I am talking about my (cockpit) viewpoint and compass degrees.” “The UFO’s size was very small, about the size of the stars and planets you see in the sky.”

“We had initially been at 35,000 feet (10,500 meters) but had descended to 24,000 feet (7,200 meters) when we saw the object. We were above the clouds with a clear view, and there was a crescent moon behind us. The weather in San Francisco was partly cloudy skies and light rain.”

“There were two of us in the cockpit, and we both witnessed the same thing. We were both in awe. I have been flying for 14 years have never witnessed something like this before.”

NOTE: The above photo is real but from another sighting in Ohio.









On the afternoon of 19th April 1978 in the small town of Colfax, Mark Coltrane was on police patrol duty when he decided to pull his vehicle to the side of the road so he could have something to eat. It was as he was doing so, in an area in a town of only a few thousand that was free of people, he noticed how “crackles” like static was sounding from his police radio.

Before he could take in any more details, though, his attention turned to the “metallic-looking disc” that was moving upwards in the afternoon sky, perfectly clear through the windshield of his police car.

He continued to watch, noticing that the strange object, whatever it was, was moving toward him. As it did so, he would reach for his Polaroid that was in the car. Exiting the vehicle he prepared to snap photographs of this seemingly unearthly craft.

He managed to fire off several shots on the Polaroid. This would send the pictures spitting out of the bottom of the device seconds after capturing the image. He would recall that at one stage the craft was so close that he could even make out markings and details on its underside.

Then, the object began to move away and back into the sky eventually disappearing into the distance. Although he wasn’t exactly sure, Coltrane would state that the sighting would last no longer than several minutes. That is, from first noticing the crackling sound to the craft disappearing into the distance.

He knew what he had seen was real. And he had photographs to prove it. Coltrane would, however, remain in his car for several hours contemplating his next move. He would finally set off to the station to file his report.









, Robert said the encounter occurred Sunday, Dec. 12, 2004, when he and Anne saw a ball of light in the night sky about 7:10 p.m. He said they saw the apparition through a sliding door leading to a deck off the kitchen. He described “a huge ball of brilliant white light coming toward the house from the west,” slightly above the tops of trees. As the object came closer, he said it appeared to grow bigger, and stopped above the house, where it appeared “absolutely huge, maybe two, maybe three football fields. The white light engulfed everything.”

Despite the intense light, the glare didn’t hurt their eyes, he said, but hovered silently for a few minutes before a pale blue light emitted from the underside and formed a perfect square on the deck. Robert said the light fully engulfed Anne, who was lifted off the deck, prompting Robert to open the sliding door with one hand and grab Anne’s waist by other. He said he pulled her into the house and the shut door. When he looked out again, the strange light was gone, he said.

During the ordeal, Anne went unconscious. When she came around, she said she remembered seeing the blue light and that Robert described it as square, but could not remember any details after that. A short while later, they said they received a phone call from Robert’s sister and her husband, about five miles to the east, saying they too saw a ball of white light trailing a blue tail, moving parallel to the ground. Robert said he noticed blisters on his hand, just below his middle finger.

In the report, Robert said he and Anne subsequently noticed unusual occurrences in their own home, including a microwave open beeping at random and objects flying off shelves. Robert said many of these occurrences would happen during the day, and Anne would relate them when he returned home from work. Hypnosis helped her recall details but didn’t work for him, he said. However, he recalled an eerie instance in which he said he administered CPR to Anne as she lay on the floor.

“After I got her off the floor and on to the couch I looked into the kitchen and saw what looked like snow or fine pellets of Styrofoam pouring in through the sliding door – I guess didn’t shut it all the way. After icing my hand for awhile I told Anne, I’m going in the garage to get the shop vac to clean up the mess.’ When I looked again all the white stuff was gone and the small carpet in the kitchen was dry.” He added, “Also the white light outside looked like it flowed like a liquid wrapping itself around everything,” and no shadows formed.

Billerica police said they did not receive any reports of an unusual sighting in the sky Dec. 12, but said from time to time, they, like all police departments, do get calls from concerned residents of a strange light or sound that turns out to be something ordinary. Petty said someone also reported seeing something peculiar in the sky over Billerica around 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 29 and reported the incident to the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, Wash. That report describes “a very large, circular, bright-white light above the clouds going around and around in a very large circle” at high speeds. The report said the witness looked out again and saw the same light about an hour later and insisted it wasn’t a search light or plane.

In his probe in the reported Dec. 12, 2004 incident, Petty said, among other steps, he made inquiries to several area police departments, interviewed many of the couple’s neighbors and have filed a Freedom of Information Act request from the federal Aviation Administration regarding aerial activity in the area on that evening. He said Billerica police provided a printout of police log entries from the time of the reported sighting, but that log activity suggests no unusual reported occurrences. He said Burlington police sent a written response indicating nothing unusual. An inquiry to Bedford police received no response, he said.

Anne, 58, a disabled contractor, agreed to meet recently with a Minuteman reporter, but would not give her or Robert’s last name. She showed the small porch where she said the object appeared and which she said lifted her a few feet in the air before Robert grabbed her and pulled her inside.

But she said any physical evidence – the burns on Robert’s hands, which she showed in a photograph, and the powdery residue she described – are gone. She said, after the incident, her sister called on the phone to say she, too, had seen a bright object with a trailing tail while traveling on a highway. They’re not UFO or science fiction buffs, she said, and books and movies of that ilk are sparse in their collection. Anne, who said she recalled a peculiar sighting of a lighted object in her youth, said the experiences she reported suggest the possibility of extraterrestrial presence. However, she remains as mystified as anyone, she said. She said, “I’ve always been very open-minded. I’d be arrogant to think we are the only beings in this vast universe.”

NOTE: The above image is real but from a New York trail camera.









Ing. Carlos Cauich Carrillo shot a video of an unknown object that appeared to accompany the airliner in which he was a passenger for several minutes. The flight was covering the Tapachula-Mexico route on September 21, 2005.

When interviewed, the witness states that he felt very nervous and that he felt as though “something or someone” had placed him there at the exact moment the sighting was to occur, since he was initially only filming images of the landscape as seen from the air.

Upon reviewing the material, I noticed that this unidentified flying object was performing irregular movements at high speed, vanishing completely out of frame at certain moments. This confirms Ing. Cauich’s notion that the alleged UFO was speeding away from the airliner and then returning.

This event took place at 14:15 hours as the Mexicana de Aviacion airliner flew over the state of Oaxaca’s Salina Cruz region.

Ing. Cauich has has sightings prior to this date. His steadfastness in watching the skies and his ability to obtain UFO evidence is noteworthy.

As an additional piece of information, I interviewed aviation technician Alfonso Salazar Mendoza, a UFO researcher and writer, who kindly informed me that commercial airliners flying at cruising altitude achieve speeds of 800 km per hour and an altitude of 12,000 meters. This information provides an approximate estimate.









On December 15th, 2005, A friend and I had the following UFO sighting. At 3:30 am, on this morning, with me at the wheel, my friend and I went on a little drive to see the UFO activity in Utah Valley. We focused our attention mainly on two areas.

1-The night sky above Spanish Fork City, Utah.

2-The Spanish Fork City Airport.

Both of us were absolutely astounded, to say the least as we approached Spanish Fork City from the north when we observed one of the biggest UFOs that I’ve ever seen. The diamond-shaped UFO was floating slowly, about 300 feet above this city, moving northbound.

We were fascinated with the camouflaging measures, used by this sinister looking spaceship. Reproduced into this massive UFO’s outer shell, were the lights (yes they were HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE LAMPS) of the city of “Woodland Hills” which is a few miles south of Sp.Fk.

Looking directly at this UFO, one may very well be inclined to believe that they are merely looking at some boring city lights, which we are all so familiar with. This, I believe, is exactly what the Aliens are counting on. In my opinion, it is an absolutely ingenious camouflaging measure.

As I gazed wide-eyed and open-mouthed at this colossal craft which I estimated to be about three city-blocks wide and two blocks tall (please excuse my inarticulate and unscientific terminology), I had an inexplicable and conclusive feeling that I was looking at an “airborne Alien nursery!”

Both of us were also very intrigued by the appearance of two “EYES,” human looking in every way about six-feet in diameter which were placed into the sides of the UFO’s outer shell. The technology which the spaceship exhibited in placing so many lights of various sizes which matched all of the lights of Woodland Hills, revealed a high degree of intelligence, in my opinion, of those who possessed and piloted it!

At the Spanish Fork Airport at 5:30 am, as we sat parked, we observed a strange sight. Rolling slowly down the runway, escorted by a low-flying, egg-shaped UFO, was some type of wheeled unit which appeared to be some type of “star projector.” It was close in size to a typical “potato chip” truck. An astounding number of glistening lights, all of which had the appearance of “stars,” covered this mysterious contraption.

The “projector” looked to be rolling down the runway of the airport. I knew, however, that it could be somewhere else, perhaps far beyond our locale. I have been aware now, for some time, that the Aliens have the technology to mask the precise locations of their hardware and activities, by making their appearance seem always to be “distant” as one approaches those areas.

Our presence did not go unnoticed by the “Aliens” as we quickly perceived that six UFOs of various sizes were gradually moving towards us using the HIDLs around us as “cover.” After aligning the lights of their ships, to the HIDLs, I believe, they can then sneak up on their targets.

Perched menacingly atop a nearby building behind the airport parking lot where we sat in our car, we observed an egg-shaped UFO, about 20 feet-wide and 10 feet-tall creeping up on us. Suddenly (I suspect in an effort to distract us from viewing the “star projector”), its right light got brighter and bigger and split into four quarters; two blue and two red, in color. The red quarters then shifted places with the two blue quarters.

A white light then appeared in the midst of the two red quarters of light, about the size of a silver dollar, which continued to gradually grow in size.

Anticipating that something big was about to happen, I sarcastically said to my friend beside me “I’ll bet a helicopter comes out of it; I was wrong! The white light continued growing in size as it slowly moved towards us.

We watched in absolute awe and suspense as it was quickly transformed into a small, white airplane with two red ipinstripes on it!(something like a small cessna).

Traveling at a speed of what appeared to be only ten m.p.h., it swooped slowly down to land… shining a bright spotlight momentarily at us, as it proceeded to taxi down the runway to a hangar behind the airports offices.

The planes appearance took us back a bit. I felt unhesitatingly obliged to turn the car’s ignition key and punch my foot to the accelerator! At that moment my greatest priority was to rush immediately away from the strangeness of what we had just witnessed!

For the next two hours, we drove around the area – dazed and somewhat confused – wondering to ourselves what might happen next. When we began to feel our bodies experiencing a sudden, extremely uncomfortable fever, I began to be suspicious, that perhaps a small Alien probe was traveling with us, either above or beneath the car which was perhaps emitting some type of radiation.

Stopping the car, I got out and knelt down to look under it. Finding nothing, I walked around the car for a full inspection, as I did, I noticed that one of the “high pressure sodium vapor lights” which was directly behind the local “solid waste transfer station” about 100 yards away, was emitting, or shooting a great many, large, bright orange sparks directly towards us!

We quickly fled the area, placing ourselves well out of range of what I perceived to be some type of weapon intended to dissuade those unwelcome and pesky humans who were in the area, from hanging around and making further observations of the Aliens ongoing activities!

At 7:30 am, as we made our way home, I casually looked back towards Spanish Fork, and was amazed to see two “black helicopters” attending to a slow moving cloud, shaped precisely like the massive UFO which we had been observing with interest throughout the night! It crept slowly away, at the same speed as all of the clouds around it, until it rose up gracefully above the nearby mountains and disappeared. NOTE: The above image is CGI.









Hi Ken: Extremely bad weather had been forecast for the next couple of days so while the weather was fair I decided to go out into the back garden and sky watch. The sky was nice and blue and there wasn’t many clouds about so I sat down in my garden chair and began to observe the sky around me. I was looking through my binoculars when I spotted something unusual near a contrail. There was a UFO that looked just like a tadpole… It even had a tail that was flapping around behind it as it moved through the air. The surface of the UFO appeared to be metallic in nature as the sun light was reflecting off it. I was very perplexed by what I was seeing. I could not identify it as being any known type of aircraft or anything that I had ever seen before for that matter. It was very bizarre looking. I watched it for a while as it flew around the same part of the sky near the contrail like it was on some sort of fixed flight path. I then decided to take a photograph of the UFO so I put my binoculars down on the garden table and then picked up my Sony HX-300 camera and aimed it towards the UFO before I took a photograph of it. I put down my camera and then continued to observe the UFO through my binoculars once again. After about two minutes of watching the UFO it then shot off at incredible speed heading north where I unfortunately lost sight of it. I have seen a lot of UFOs around this area but I have never seen anything that looked quite like this. Why was it shaped like a tadpole? It just doesn’t make any sense… What on earth could it be? The photograph was taken on the 8th of February 2020, 11:39 AM ‎at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.








The mobile home of James Richards sat on the absolute outskirts of the city of Columbia in the state of Missouri. Not only that, but the home itself was at the end of dead-end footpath around 1000 feet from the nearest main road. All around this quiet and extremely humble abode were “scattered trees” aside from a small front yard. To say that Richards and his 16-year-old daughter, Vanea, as well as Jamie, her 3-year-old son were cut off from the vast majority of the community was an understatement.

Incidentally, the nearest property to Mr. Richards’ mobile home was a small house, lived in by an elderly lady. She was, however, “asleep at the time of the observation”.

On this particular evening, at a little past midnight on 28th June 1973, Vanea was making her way to the north side of the mobile home, to the fridge so that she could place a baby bottle there. Although there was music filling the home from the record player which was spinning the vinyl disc around and around on its turntable, the open window allowed the sudden noise from outside to be heard easily.

Vanea would later describe the noise as a “thrashing” sound and it appeared to emanate from the trees around the side of the mobile home. The more she listened, now all but blocking out the record player, she could make out what appeared to be the sound of something “moving a large tree” outside.

She would remain where she was for a few more moments, listening intently to the mysterious and unnerving activity taking place outside. Then, as loudly as she could without alerting whoever, or whatever was outside, she would call out to her father.

Two Bright, Silver-White Beams Appear Out Of Nowhere!

Richards could hear his daughter call from the kitchen area of the mobile home as he sat in the living room with Jamie. Because of the hour and the fact that he himself was feeling sluggish and tired, he was rather slow in getting in out of the living room chair and up to the window where Vanea was calling him from.

By the time he had arrived at where his daughter was, she was moving with great pace from the outside screen door to the front door, locking both of them as quickly as she could. He would make his way to the kitchen window, now with a little more urgency than before. His daughter joined him a moment or two later, now satisfied that the doors were as secure as they could be.

As they both stared out into the darkness of the summer’s night, “two beams of light” suddenly became visible. They appeared to be between the trees and the nearby fence. Richards would guess they were approximately 50 feet from the kitchen window they were viewing them from and had a “tapered” look to them, with the wider section at the top.

He would further estimate the beams were around five feet apart, and remained this distance., suggesting they emanated from the same solid source overhead. Furthermore, they had a “bright, silver-white” color to them. However, try as he did, he could see no solid form “above or behind the beams”.

Then, they just disappeared as suddenly as they had appeared. It was then that both Richards and his daughter could see the “bright oval form” in their place.

The Woodland “Lit Up As Bright As Day!”

The father and daughter remained where they were at the kitchen window, both fascinated and alarmed at the scene and scenario unfolding before them.

They would later estimate that the “glowing form” was around 15 feet across and appeared to be only mere feet from the ground. So bright was the object that the pair had difficulty in keeping their sight on it, with Richards even having to look away at one point. Such was the brightness, that other than the silver glow, no other details of the exterior could be seen. Furthermore, because of this brightness, the area immediately outside the mobile home was “lit up bright as day”.

In this artificial daylight, the pair could see the trees moving as if a sudden strong wind had come out of nowhere unleashing its carnage on the area. However, more than that, it appeared that some trees were being manipulated in different ways than others, with Vanea even witnessing one tree being pulled toward the ground.

All the while, however, the only sound that reached them was that which initially caught Vanea’s attention, the strange thrashing noise. No other sounds or noises whatsoever came from the active scene outside, which must have given the scene an even more surreal feel.

Then, the thrashing sound stopped, although the trees continued to move. A moment later, a loud “cracking” sound rang out quickly followed by the bizarre movement of the trees also stopping. Although they didn’t know it at the time, or at least were not certain of it, investigation of the area the following day would show a large, heavy branch had been snapped off at a height of almost 20 feet.

A “Real Bright” Center With Duller, Fuzzy Edges!

Following this burst of activity, a deafening silence would suddenly envelop the mobile home, even seeming to leak into the building itself making the father and daughter feel more than uneasy. It was during these unsettling moments that Richards realized their dogs – who would normally bark at anything that moved outside the house – were completely still and silent. As he went from window to window of the mobile home surveying the area outside, he noticed them almost hiding away from whatever had been taking place only moments ago.

It was then that he went to his bedroom to retrieve his guns. He quickly returned into the kitchen area, the weapons and ammunition in his arms. He would load the guns and then place them on top of the freezer unit and out of the reach of anyone other than he and his daughter.

When he returned to the kitchen window where his daughter remained, watching the scene outside, he could see that the glowing craft remained hovering at a distance of around 50 feet from their home, although the brightness lit up a radius of around double that.

Although they could still make out no real detail of the craft other than it was oval-shaped and a “silver-white or aluminum” color, Richards would recall that the middle of it was “real, real bright” while the edges were decidedly duller. Vanea, similarly, would recall that edges of the object were somewhat “fuzzy”.

The pair remained at the kitchen window, nervous about what might happen next but not wishing to take their eyes from the situation for even a moment. After several more moments, however, Richards made the decision it was time to call for help.

Contact “The Police, The FBI” Or Anyone Who Can Help Me!

Whether by coincidence or not, almost in sympathy with his actions the object suddenly moved and changed its position. It would now take up temporary residence in the sky over a nearby field, approximately 200 feet from the mobile home.

Because there was not more distance between the craft and their location, the pair could now make out a lot more detail than they could previously. For example, the craft was a bright silver-white in the middle while at the edge was a “blue band of light”. Furthermore, an “orange glow extended around the outer edge”.

Richards and his daughter watched the craft return to its original position, describing the movement of it as “smooth and slow”. Shortly after this, he would reach for the phone and dial 113 for directory assistance.

The lady who took the call – identified as “Mrs. AB” would claim that Richards was “very excited and seemed to be frightened” although he was clear in describing the event. He would also request that she contact “the police, the FBI, or anyone who could help him!”

She would manage to calm him somewhat and assure him that she would contact an operator who would call him back. Several moments later, a “Mrs. P” called back and spoke with Richards for several minutes. During this exchange, the lights in the mobile home dimmed several times. This, of course, is a detail that often surfaces in close encounter experiences. Usually, however, these types of encounters occur while people are in their vehicles and experience their car’s cutting out without warning.

On Mrs. P’s instructions, he would hang the phone up, return to the window, and await the return call.

An Obviously Frightened But Sincere Witness!

While this was taking place, Mrs. P would contact Mrs. L, who would in turn attempt to call Richards. However, when she did, she would hear nothing other than a “deadline”. She would try the number five times, even calling Mrs. P back in between to check that the number she had was correct.

During this time, Richards himself began to worry that no one had contacted him back. So much so, that he picked up the receiver. Bizarrely, and adding even more to the strangeness of the situation, after the line appeared dead, he suddenly heard Mrs. M.

He would then relay the evening’s happenings to the operator, stating at this stage that he was decidedly frightened for his children.

For her part, Mrs. M would recall that Richards would repeat his story again and again. He would occasionally pause and shout out to his daughter, asking if the strange object was still outside.

Before long, Richards was transferred to Mrs. S at the Flight Service Station at Columbia Regional Airport.

Mrs. S would ultimately assure Richards that she would contact the police and report the sighting for him. She would also inform him that she had knowledge of another sighting on the 24th June – only two weeks earlier – we will examine that incident later.

Shortly after the exchange, the pair would hang up.

A moment or two later, the object began to approach the mobile home once again.

A Last Visual Stand-Off!

Richards and Vanea watched the object approach, watching with a rising sense of fear intoxicating each of them. Richards would later describe a “cold feeling” overtaking him and the feeling of something imminent and dire about to take place. He would state that he “just froze” and had no idea what to do.

Even more, the distinct feeling that he, his daughter, and grandson were on their own in their out-of-the-way mobile home wouldn’t leave him. Nor would the insistence that all three of them would not for any reason step outside.

As each of them remained at the window the object moved again, seemingly negotiating the trees as it did so. It would eventually settle into a position around 50 feet from their location. Both Richards and his daughter all the while remained where they were at the window, watching the strange, hovering, glowing object not daring to take their eyes from it.

This visual stand-off continued for several minutes (although neither witness was completely sure just how long this was for). Then, the craft went into motion yet again. Once more, it went through the trees with a “smooth, slow motion”, although Richards recalls that during this particular burst of movement, the surrounding trees appeared undisturbed.

The craft once more would stop at a distance of around 200 feet from the Richards’ mobile home. As before, from this distance, the blue-orange glow of the outer edges of the vehicle were visible while the solid silver glow of the center section was now more defined. The object then appeared to fade away, although not into the distance (no trees appeared disturbed, for example) but as though it was literally fading from view.

Within several minutes, the object was no longer visible.

A Wealth Of Outlandish Possibilities That Must Be Considered!

This last detail is of interest to UFO researchers as there appears to be many cases where what appears to be a solid craft disappears. However,  not shooting off into the distance at great speed but by seemingly fading away from existence, as if someone turned down a dimmer switch or flicked off a light bulb. NOTE: The above image is CGI.









There’s two different types one blueish in color and other amber color. The blues tend to stay further up than the amber color, and do not hover as long. I’ve seen these “lights” consistently for a month. The amber Sometimes for 5 hours. Often in pairs, I’ve seen them singular as well as split into two and quickly go back together. They are typically over over the tree line about 1/2 mile from my house. My house guest as well as neighbors have witnessed them a number of times as well. In all kinds of weather, windy clear, raining, the length of time for Amber lights seem to be increasing. I’ve had a helicopter that wasn’t familiar fly directly overhead then leave , after observing the orb with a group of people for a lengthy time. I have no idea what they are, curious all the same.








Cigar-Shaped Object And Three Discs Over Hexham, Christmas 1984

Perhaps because of the sudden surge of technology, the Hollywood science-fiction blockbusters, or the Reagan-Thatcher era and the sudden ratcheting up of the Cold War, the 1980s were not only rife with UFO sightings but accounts of alien abduction and all manner of strange goings-on all around us. Several particularly interesting sightings, though, occurred around the Christmas period of 1984. And what’s more, they all shared similar details to each other.

What follows, then, are some of the strangest and most intriguing UFO encounters from the Christmas at the height of the high-tech, power-hungry decade of the eighties.

Although the exact date is unclear, a report of a cigar-shaped UFO “one December morning between Christmas and New Year” in December 1984 in Hexham, Australia is particularly intriguing.

The incident, investigated and reported by a New South Wales UFO group, would take place at around 2:30 am on the morning in question when “Mr. and Mrs. L” were camping at the Ponderosa Caravan Park.

From their tent, each would see a huge cigar-shaped object “with a brilliant white light” at what they assumed was the front of the craft. In fact, so bright was the light that the entire park was awash in its glow. The witnesses would further describe the object as being “bigger than a bus” with windows on the side.

They would watch the bizarre scene unfold for several minutes before witnessing the arrival of three disc-shaped objects. These smaller crafts would travel at a much faster pace – described by the witnesses as being “like lightning”. They would eventually “join” the cigar-shaped craft, following in formation closely. Mr. L would even claim to have seen an occupant inside one of the disc-shaped objects.

The pair would watch the objects as they eventually disappeared into the distance. NOTE: The above image is CGI.