Hi Ken : I was sky watching and it was quite cold out I had been outside for about 30 minutes when I spotted a slow moving object that was at a very high altitude in the sky. I could see that it was something unusual because of the way it was slowly moving back and forth around the same area of sky before it finally stopped and just hung there motionless in the sky. I was intrigued and I wondered what it could be so I looked through my binoculars at the object. Right away I could see that the object was round and it consisted of an inner and outer circle. The centred inner circle part was filled with a dull purple colour while the outer circle part seemed to be metallic in nature. This round craft was all to familiar to me as I have photographed it many time before over the years while sky watching. I was very excited to see it again so I immediately put down my binoculars and picked up my Nikon P900 camera so I could capture this object in a photograph once again. I zoomed in on the area of sky where the object was stationary and then centred it as best as I could in the camera viewfinder before I took a photograph of it. The object must of hung there in the sky for about three minutes before it then shot off at incredible speed heading into a thick bank of clouds where I lost sight of it. I went back inside to look at the photograph of the object and I Inserted the SD card directly into the card reader on the front of my computer and looked at the photograph on my 4k TV.
I could see the round object in the photograph but the photograph was hazy and slightly blurred so I opened up my focus photo editor app and de-hazed and sharpened the image before I made a few more enhancements to the photograph. Now that the image was much clearer I could now see that there was in fact an alien being that was looking out from the inside of the purple coloured centred part of the craft. The alien appears to be bold with an elongated head furthermore the alien is holding it’s arm up and it’s hand and fingers are visible in the image. It appears to have six fingers which I found to be very odd but interesting nevertheless. I believe that this photograph is proof of alien visitation in the skies above Devon. The Photograph was taken at 11:30 AM on the 18th of February 2020, at Newton Abbot Devon England.
Special thanks to the Chief investigator for World UFO Photos John Mooner.
For example, on 30th November near Caselle Airport in Turin in Italy, pilot, Riccardo Marano was preparing to land his Piper Navajo plane when he noticed a “luminous multicolored ball of light” hovering over the runway. He would note who the strange object was “changing from violet to blue to dark red”.
Marano would bring his plane in a little closer. As he neared the craft, however, it would move suddenly and take off “in a most irregular fashion”. It would make movements that the witness had “seen no plane do”, including “sudden vast jumps to and fro”. Even more bizarre to Marano was that his calculations would suggest the object was traveling around 900 miles per hour.
Further to Marano’s sighting, a corroborative report would come from Colonel Rustichelli from the Caselle military facility. He would confirm that he had viewed the anomaly on the base’s radar screen. Another witness, Commander Tranquillo who was piloting an Alitalia Air Line DC-9 on its way to Rome. He would claim that what it was definitely “solid” and “lit up like a plane on my radar”. Visually, the pilot could see “a shining thing giving out intermittent flashes of light”.
Yet another pilot who was coming into land, Commander Mezzalami, would state that he saw “something very strange indeed”. Although he didn’t wish to guess as to what it might have been.
Four days later, the strange objects were seemingly back over Turin.
An Object “Clearly Visible” To “Thousands Of People!”
According to a story that appeared in the Washington Post, as the night took control of the skies over Turin on 4th December, “thousands of people” would witness a huge object simply hovering overhead. And once more, like the sighting four nights earlier, corroborative radar sightings would come from the nearby military facility. As well as further sightings by members of the local police department.
Furthermore, the incidents over Turin that we have highlighted here are but a small number of the mini-wave of sightings over the north Italy region at the time.
The object was “clearly visible to the naked eye”. And hovered overhead for several minutes in full view for anyone who cared to look skyward. So seriously did the local police treat the incident that they would dispatch no less than six patrol units to investigate the reports.
They would arrive “at a spot more or less underneath the object”. Before they could investigate further, though, the mysterious craft “shot upwards at great speed and disappeared” NOTE: The above image is CGI.
SAN FRANCISCO — An airline transport pilot with 14 years’ experience in commercial aviation can’t quite explain what he saw at 11 PM, November 3, 2004. The jetliner P.A. was flying was making its approach into San Francisco.
The jetliner was approaching the city from the east, passing just north of Stockton, when P.A. received instructions from the tower to descend from 35,000 to 24,000 feet (10,500 to 7,200 meters). And then it happened.
“While approaching San Francisco from the east,” he reported, “an orange dot began to glow and seemed to flash higher up to the west of us. I thought that it was a planet. It then changed color from orange to white. Again, I thought a planet could be illuminated through a (local) atmosphere that would explain the color change.”
“It then began to move in a northeasterly direction. Once again, being in an airplane, it is very easy to think an object is moving, from small corrections the autopilot makes. I found a handful of stars to serve as a reference point and verified that the object was slowly moving north.
It moved about 30 degrees and then stopped. Then, it made a slight tangent to the right and continued moving for about 20 more degrees.” “It stopped and turned again to the right and continued for 10 degrees, then stopped again and disappeared.”
“The whole sighting ran about two minutes or so from start to finish. It was difficult to judge the actual distance and speed. When I talk about ‘moving in degrees and turning,’ I am talking about my (cockpit) viewpoint and compass degrees.” “The UFO’s size was very small, about the size of the stars and planets you see in the sky.”
“We had initially been at 35,000 feet (10,500 meters) but had descended to 24,000 feet (7,200 meters) when we saw the object. We were above the clouds with a clear view, and there was a crescent moon behind us. The weather in San Francisco was partly cloudy skies and light rain.”
“There were two of us in the cockpit, and we both witnessed the same thing. We were both in awe. I have been flying for 14 years have never witnessed something like this before.”
NOTE: The above photo is real but from another sighting in Ohio.
, Robert said the encounter occurred Sunday, Dec. 12, 2004, when he and Anne saw a ball of light in the night sky about 7:10 p.m. He said they saw the apparition through a sliding door leading to a deck off the kitchen. He described “a huge ball of brilliant white light coming toward the house from the west,” slightly above the tops of trees. As the object came closer, he said it appeared to grow bigger, and stopped above the house, where it appeared “absolutely huge, maybe two, maybe three football fields. The white light engulfed everything.”
Despite the intense light, the glare didn’t hurt their eyes, he said, but hovered silently for a few minutes before a pale blue light emitted from the underside and formed a perfect square on the deck. Robert said the light fully engulfed Anne, who was lifted off the deck, prompting Robert to open the sliding door with one hand and grab Anne’s waist by other. He said he pulled her into the house and the shut door. When he looked out again, the strange light was gone, he said.
During the ordeal, Anne went unconscious. When she came around, she said she remembered seeing the blue light and that Robert described it as square, but could not remember any details after that. A short while later, they said they received a phone call from Robert’s sister and her husband, about five miles to the east, saying they too saw a ball of white light trailing a blue tail, moving parallel to the ground. Robert said he noticed blisters on his hand, just below his middle finger.
In the report, Robert said he and Anne subsequently noticed unusual occurrences in their own home, including a microwave open beeping at random and objects flying off shelves. Robert said many of these occurrences would happen during the day, and Anne would relate them when he returned home from work. Hypnosis helped her recall details but didn’t work for him, he said. However, he recalled an eerie instance in which he said he administered CPR to Anne as she lay on the floor.
“After I got her off the floor and on to the couch I looked into the kitchen and saw what looked like snow or fine pellets of Styrofoam pouring in through the sliding door – I guess didn’t shut it all the way. After icing my hand for awhile I told Anne, I’m going in the garage to get the shop vac to clean up the mess.’ When I looked again all the white stuff was gone and the small carpet in the kitchen was dry.” He added, “Also the white light outside looked like it flowed like a liquid wrapping itself around everything,” and no shadows formed.
Billerica police said they did not receive any reports of an unusual sighting in the sky Dec. 12, but said from time to time, they, like all police departments, do get calls from concerned residents of a strange light or sound that turns out to be something ordinary. Petty said someone also reported seeing something peculiar in the sky over Billerica around 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 29 and reported the incident to the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, Wash. That report describes “a very large, circular, bright-white light above the clouds going around and around in a very large circle” at high speeds. The report said the witness looked out again and saw the same light about an hour later and insisted it wasn’t a search light or plane.
In his probe in the reported Dec. 12, 2004 incident, Petty said, among other steps, he made inquiries to several area police departments, interviewed many of the couple’s neighbors and have filed a Freedom of Information Act request from the federal Aviation Administration regarding aerial activity in the area on that evening. He said Billerica police provided a printout of police log entries from the time of the reported sighting, but that log activity suggests no unusual reported occurrences. He said Burlington police sent a written response indicating nothing unusual. An inquiry to Bedford police received no response, he said.
Anne, 58, a disabled contractor, agreed to meet recently with a Minuteman reporter, but would not give her or Robert’s last name. She showed the small porch where she said the object appeared and which she said lifted her a few feet in the air before Robert grabbed her and pulled her inside.
But she said any physical evidence – the burns on Robert’s hands, which she showed in a photograph, and the powdery residue she described – are gone. She said, after the incident, her sister called on the phone to say she, too, had seen a bright object with a trailing tail while traveling on a highway. They’re not UFO or science fiction buffs, she said, and books and movies of that ilk are sparse in their collection. Anne, who said she recalled a peculiar sighting of a lighted object in her youth, said the experiences she reported suggest the possibility of extraterrestrial presence. However, she remains as mystified as anyone, she said. She said, “I’ve always been very open-minded. I’d be arrogant to think we are the only beings in this vast universe.”
NOTE: The above image is real but from a New York trail camera.
Hi Ken: Extremely bad weather had been forecast for the next couple of days so while the weather was fair I decided to go out into the back garden and sky watch. The sky was nice and blue and there wasn’t many clouds about so I sat down in my garden chair and began to observe the sky around me. I was looking through my binoculars when I spotted something unusual near a contrail. There was a UFO that looked just like a tadpole… It even had a tail that was flapping around behind it as it moved through the air. The surface of the UFO appeared to be metallic in nature as the sun light was reflecting off it. I was very perplexed by what I was seeing. I could not identify it as being any known type of aircraft or anything that I had ever seen before for that matter. It was very bizarre looking. I watched it for a while as it flew around the same part of the sky near the contrail like it was on some sort of fixed flight path. I then decided to take a photograph of the UFO so I put my binoculars down on the garden table and then picked up my Sony HX-300 camera and aimed it towards the UFO before I took a photograph of it. I put down my camera and then continued to observe the UFO through my binoculars once again. After about two minutes of watching the UFO it then shot off at incredible speed heading north where I unfortunately lost sight of it. I have seen a lot of UFOs around this area but I have never seen anything that looked quite like this. Why was it shaped like a tadpole? It just doesn’t make any sense… What on earth could it be? The photograph was taken on the 8th of February 2020, 11:39 AM at Newton Abbot Devon England. All the best John.
On June 27, 2006, five of our grandchildren were fishing in our pond about 3:00 p.m., when they saw a big splash on one side of the pond. Everything became still, and the pond became like glass as the object sank.
Then they saw a whirlpool in the pond about 8 to 10 feet across that moved very fast across the pond towards them. When it hit the water there was steam that went up from the object then the object disappeared to reappear in another area.
One of the children got on a boat that was at the bank, and she could see lights around the sides and the object looked like metal. Two other children said they saw the lights, but two of them said it looked yellow under the water.
Two were still watching it when they saw the water and grass around the pond next to them start to move violently, so they got scared and ran to the house. They were very disturbed by what they saw, and it took three hours before they would tell us what had happened. They range from 7 to 13 years old and all had the same story.
The next day we drove around and found truck like tracks that led towards the pond, but stopped before they got to the pond. There was a circle where the grass had been bent down in an arc shape at the edge of the pond as it splashed into the pond.
They said there was a cloud over them that was swirling. The older children thought it might be a tornado that sounded like a muffled lawn mower.
I asked the OSU Extension Agency to check for contamination. They informed me there had been two other similar incidents. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Eagle Point and White City, Oregon-3-20-2007 about 11 AM.
With my eyes it was first seen as a small, shiny, white dot. I got my camera out and tried to zoom in and couldn’t find it.
Then I saw the shining again and zoomed in and started recording, and it was dark again and then shiny again, and then dark again, before it was blocked by a tree and I couldn’t find it again, about 16 seconds of video.
It was just above the mountains and when I was recording it, it seemed to be moving south. When I watched it on the TV and on computer it appeared to stay in the same place above the same cloud feature. We were on Modoc Rd. headed towards Medford, Oregon, and it was east of us towards Eagle Point or White City.
I thought maybe it would turn out to be a plane when I watched it on the TV screen, but I still couldn’t tell what it was exactly.
The truck was bouncing me around and it was hard to keep it on the object and we couldn’t pull over because we were working. My husband was with me but he was driving and couldn’t see it.
There were no airplanes or helicopters in the area. It was a cloudy day, but no rain. There were no electromagnetic effects, missing time, or smells associated with the sighting.
Location of Sighting: Gulf of Mexico aboard U.S.S. Lexington Date of Sighting: (1962 to 1966 – exact date unknown) Time of Sighting: around midnight Date Reported: February 12, 2005 Number of Witnesses: several crew members (exact number unknown)
Description (in witness’s own words with some editing): While serving aboard the U.S.S. Lexington CVS-16 (aircraft carrier), I was an elevator operator for aircraft. One night around 12 midnight I saw a large orange glow in the sky. I called flight deck control. They said they had it on radar and tried to get it to identify itself. When they got no reply, they sent 2 F4 jets up. You could see their afterburners and the F4s did not even come close to catching it. The object (light) took off out of sight. As soon as the jets returned, it came back. This pattern repeated itself 3 times. After the 3rd time, guess they thought it was no threat. It followed us for about half hr [a half hour] I guess then left. We were told the next day to say nothing about the sightings. I wish I had at least written down time/day/year, but did not. Even years after I did not know who to report it to. Then as time elapsed more, I figured no one would believe me. I just thought that I would report it as I remembered it. We were operating in the Gulf of Mexico out of Pensacola, FL. I worked the hanger [sic] deck elevator. I was in the V3 division/aircraft handlers.
Investigator’s Notes: I have mailed the witness a list of additional questions and asked for some clarifications of his experience. I received a response to my follow-up questions. The witness confirmed that his tenure in the Navy was from 1962 to 1966 and that he does not remember the year of the sighting. I was hopeful that the witness may be able to reach other personnel who were privy to the sighting. However, he said that he was not in touch with any of his fellow servicemen who experienced the sighting. The witness also further stated that no nuclear weapons were on the U.S.S. Lexington at the time of the sighting. He stated that F4 Phantom aircraft were scrambled after the UFO. He was uncertain as to the location of the ship when the UFO was sighted. He did say that the event occurred in the Gulf of Mexico several hundred miles from the Pensacola, Florida Naval Air Station. Apparently he was debriefed by petty officers after the sighting and at that time was told not to say anything about the sighting. Having testimony from other crew members who were privy to the sighting would greatly strengthen the case. I plan to look through documents released through the Freedom of Information Act to see if the U.S. Navy acknowledged that this incident occurred. This sighting is interesting because it apparently involved both radar and visual sightings. Other reports of UFOs following ships have been reported. (Many of these ships were carrying nuclear weapons.) NOTE: The above image is real but from another sighting.
I was on my phone watching the NASA’s spacewalk 63 aboard the ISS aired in real time yesterday on the 20th of January 2020, around 6 hours and 30 mins into the space walk the last astronaught was preparing to enter back into the air lock for depressurisation and re-entry into the interior of the ISS. The two female astronaughts involved in the spacewalk included Christina Koch and Jessica (can’t remember the surname). I was watching Jessica on her way to the air lock impressed with the quality of the camera being used filming the final moments of the spacewalk on the exterior of the ISS, and then I noticed something strange on the screen. In total for the time I viewed the UFO on screen it stood perfectly still for about three seconds before shooting off which took about 0.5 seconds. Honestly I briefly thought it was an insect given it’s appearance as a tilted letter T, assuming that the shaft of the T was the body and the extremeties either side (longer than the shaft of the t like shape) were perhaps it’s wings. I then looked to see if it was attached to the ISS in any way hoping that perhaps a beam of light might reflect of a wire demonstrating that this T shaped object was connected to the exterior of the ISS. Whilst doing so I had a sudden realisation that it wasn’t attached at all and that it was perhaps a UFO. I decided to quickly screenshot it and upon doing so it zoomed of SO fast it was like, god I don’t know it was gone and shrunk to a point of infinity in less than the space of a second. It did not gradually accelerate it just instantaneously shot off into the distance exactly following the direction the camera was facing until it could no longer be seen. The video feed in use soon after changed to a different camera aboard the station. The photo I will attach of the ufo was about 80% during its shooting off phase, it was originally about 5 times closer and larger looking due to its close proximity. You can see that isn’t just some glitch in the camera lense as the sun light hitting the object is on the same side as the sun light hitting the ISS.
I was on Frontier Airlines flight F91006, with direct service from Orlando, FL to Albany, NY on January 13th, 2020. At 5:30 pm, I looked out the window and noticed a bright light. The light hung directly above the cloud line. At first, I thought it may have been a tall building or another plane, but I saw the city lights below and realized that no building would have been tall enough to reach such heights. I realized it wasn’t another plane as the light stayed consistent and did not move. I watched it for a few moments and saw another plane in the distance fly in front of it. At that point, I was able to gauge the size of it. The plane that flew in front of the light appeared small compared to the light behind it. At that point, I decided to take a photo. Moments later, I heard a few other passengers talking about the strange light. I did not engage with them. The light stayed in the same place. If the light had been sitting in the exact same place, it would have moved out of sight of my window. It stayed in the exact same place relative to my window. That’s when I realized the light must have been moving at the same speed that we were flying. That’s when I began filming at 5:38 pm.
After a few moments, the light ascended from the position it sat at for about 5 minutes. It moved upward and then started to make unnatural movements laterally. Over the course of about 3 minutes it moved higher into the sky and continued to make unnatural movements to the left and right. The light would occasionally pause and remain still for a few moments. Eventually, the light moved back toward the rear of the plane and I could no longer see it out the window. The city I listed is an approximate location based on the time and flight path that I looked up after I landed. Unfortunately, I had fallen asleep at some point during my flight. I woke up from some rough turbulence and some unusual electrical activity on the plane. (Seatbelt sign turning on and off, flickering lights.) I looked out the window when I woke up and I immediately saw the light. Unfortunately I cannot account for where the light came from and how it manifested because I was asleep prior to seeing it. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
This case is under investigation by Assistant State Director Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
An ex-US Marine suggests the cigar-shaped UFOs that have been observed across the country in recent months could be something beyond a secret military programme.
strange UFOs first came to light back in June when a YouTube user observed an
unusual light over California’s Mojave Desert. They often appear long, thin and
shaped like a cigar or snake.
several UFO enthusiasts went to the internet to show their videos of the
strange aerial objects from one being seen in Wyoming during a meteor shower to
another in New York that seemingly moving like it was alive.
Karnaze, a former US Marine Corps soldier who served as an Intel Officer in
Afghanistan, has now revealed that the objects have been observed across the
travelled around the globe recently along with other investigators to collect
proof of their theory that aliens have been in contact with Earth.
Nick said
that people are usually assuming that those types of objects could be a
potentially classified government programme and that they are restricted to
certain areas. However, they have reports from different parts of the world of
witnesses seeing similar objects.
For Nick,
it indicates something potentially beyond a secret programme because the
military community would only test those classified programmes in certain
He added
that deploying that kind of technology should be with extra caution on where it
should take place.
He further explained that deploying it to a random country outside any present threat to the US or any open war zones would be very unusual. NOTE: The above image is real but from another sighting.
A California witness at Lake Silverwood recalled a UFO incident from 1983 when a boomeranged-shaped object passed overhead, according to testimony in Case 95355 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The incident occurred at 2 a.m. on May 15, 1983.
“Me and two friends were going catfish fishing at Lake Silverwood,” the witness stated. “We were off road going to the south side of the lake and entered by the north side by the dam. We were on a switch back and as we came around a curve our view was northeast looking out over the valley and saw a bright white light way out in the distance many miles away.” The witness later Googled the location and discovered “it was coming from” Area 51. “When we came around the next curve on the switch back it was just about on top of us. My buddy yelled stop and turn off your engine. My cousin had a UFO burn out his electrical system on his car. I did and turned off my lights too. We jump out of my 4×4 and the three of us stood in front of my truck and were all looking at this thing as it came towards us.”
The witness described the object. “We noticed that the light was on the bottom of the object and it was huge. The front of it looked like wraparound sunglasses. We were able to see into it and counted that it was four decks thick. We were all talking to each other what we were seeing. We could see columns from deck to deck. On the most upper deck we could see humanoid figures moving about. We were like saying things like look at the guy looking out. Is he driving it or what? It looks as if someone was shining a light up at it like the one that was seen in China.” As the object continued to pass directly the group, it blacked out a good portion of the sky. “Everything around us seemed to be crackling. I could feel my insides humming. Thinking of it now I’m glad I turned off my truck. As we were looking at the back of the craft there were four boxes that were louvered and shimmered like a road on a hot summer day. The boxes looked like a TV when there’s no channels on, black and gray from top to bottom of the craft. I had heard of small flying wings being seen on the Hudson in New York around the same time. This came to me later on in life. Four decks thick. Four boxes. Sixteen smaller craft would fit in this no problem. I worked in aircraft after this and was in the world’s largest building by volume in Everett, Washington. It wouldn’t fit in there. The ceiling would collapse with all the structure having to be removed to fit it. That’s how large this craft was. Also, later on in life, the Phoenix Lights happened. Yep, now we’re getting there, but what we saw was larger. I’m telling this story now and can still see it in my mind’s eye. It changed my life in many ways – even what I went to as a career, aircraft structures final assembly. Did the B-1-B bomber and all three aircraft that was built at the Everett facility. The direction I figured it was going was towards Norton Air Force Base.” NOTE: The above image is CGI.
A witness in Poços de Caldas, Brazil captured a video of a strange looking object he cannot identify. The witness reported the object to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) along with still images and video. The sighting took place on August 6, 2017. The witness claims to have noticed two bright star-like objects moving across the sky, even though it was during the day and still light out.
Here is the witness report, verbatim:
It was still day, and I saw two bright and strong lights, looking like stars. But no other star appeared, and it was too soon for them to appear. They moved together in a constant trajectory, not fast, not slow… and in the same direction (SE to NE), and really far away. Constant brightness all the time. One of them was bigger and brighter, and other smaller, but still bright. This small one disappeared suddenly, but the bigger kept on moving. They passed over right above me. Strange because it was to UFOs, very bright all the time… (sun reflection not the case). I took a picture of a plane passing by, with maximum close up from my camera. The same close with I took the pictures. I changed ISO, so some pictures were darkened. And at the end of the mp4, there is the video.
On August 16, 1945, 20 mile southeast of San Antonio, New Mexico, Reme Baca and Jose Padilla literally stumbled across the remains of what they believe to have been an alien spacecraft. Their personal account of the case displays many of the key ingredients of crashed UFO lore:
In August of 1945 Jose Padilla and Reme Baca said they were sent out on horseback from the Padilla Ranch in San Antonio, New Mexico tasked to check on Jose’s father’s herd of new cows.
What they were sent to do and what they claimed to have experienced was nothing short of what actually occurred to them that frightening afternoon.
With their horses tethered as they hid behind a rock in the distant reaches of the New Mexico desert – Jose 9 and Reme 7 years of age at the time – were awe-struck by the sound of thunder and the grinding thud of something strange that came to earth on the Padilla Ranch in San Antonio, New Mexico.
With trepidation tendered by child-like watchfulness they approached the crash site to within 200 yards to witness a craft stuck in rock and sand; its charred 30 foot hull shrouded in dust and burned ash had skidded to rest at the end of a wide plough-like furrow the length of a football field.
Using binoculars they saw strewn wreckage, strange creatures and military activity that would haunt them for days to come and – for the rest of their lives.
All of this occurring two full years before the archetype of all UFO crashes on the Foster Ranch outside the small town of Corona, New Mexico a mere 67 miles from Roswell.
These astonishing claims, made by Jose Padilla and Reme Baca, have been researched and recorded by Denver author/researcher Paola Harris who – in conversation with Zland Communications – detailed how these two young Hispanic children: saw at least three creatures in the unusual oval shaped craft, had, some days later, climbed into the craft itself to retrieve pieces of the wreckage after guards had vacated the area and, how they were told by State Police to be quiet about what they had seen. – exopoliticsinstitute.org NOTE: The above image is the witness rendering.
I witnessed a streak of light that passed directly over the roof of my house, 1 mile from the Licky hills in Birmingham South. The sighting occurred in the early hours of the morning , it appeared to be heading west. It was similar in general appearance to a star wars-type of laser beam with very defined edges to the light streak.
It was about 100 ft. at most above the house roof and was gone in about 1/-1/2 of a second. It disappeared over the tops of the houses at the bottom of my garden. This occurred during August, 2006. It was certainly not a meteorite, comet, low flying plane, nor helicopter. We are only a few miles from Birmingham airport on or near a flight path and familiar with the over flying aircraft, etc.
Also, on August 11, 2007, between 3-4: 00 PM, a red and silvery figure-of-eight type object flew quite rapidly towards us from direction of the airport. It stopped in the sky as observed from between the rooftops. At first we thought the object was a child’s helium balloon, but it remained in the same spot for three or four minutes-time enough for me to get my binoculars and take a closer look.
It alternated from red to silver with a darker band through the middle [like two half circles joined in the middle]. The air was shimmering around the object and closer inspection was difficult. It completely disappeared into a cloudless sky.
Further sightings occurred on Janurary 27-28, 2008, witnessed by both myself and my wife.
1. 7.50 PM-a crescent formation of maybe thirty lights very high in the night sky heading south.
2. 8.05 PM-after flashing, a small lead torch, three lights in triangle formation over flew the house then began what I can only describe as ‘dancing’ around each other within the triangle shape. It was silent and low.
3. 11.38 PM-again after flashing torch, a string of about thirteen lights again over flew the house, this time in a Y-formation with the cup at the front end swooping low and veering slightly to the right. When I flashed my torch at them, all lights moving as one unit heading east. All sightings were silent against a starry sky. Light were bigger than surrounding stars but slightly dimmer.
More details sent from witness
I’ve attempted to do a few diagrams to illustrate the sightings that we have recently had. I’m obviously not seeking any attention here, but really believe that there are ‘objects’ out there doing ‘something’ wherever they originate from.
Whether they specifically responded directly to my signaling [with a small led type torch] or not is open to debate, but I feel that they were at least curious as to my motives for doing so.
There was no noise of any kind throughout any of the sightings and no time lost. The lights were not as bright as the surrounding star map though slightly bigger in appearance. The sky was scant/patchy clad cloud cover, ink black.
The crescent object was flying high and fast-about six seconds before lost to view. The Y-shape lasted about four/five seconds though it seemed much longer to me, and flight was tight and smooth, arcing a little in ‘response?’ to my signaling.
The triangle just seemed to appear from above, swooped in overhead and began to dance [as in each light revolving around each other in an apparently random fashion] before passing to my left, and sweeping up into the sky, again before rapidly being lost to view.
The summer day sighting traveled in from the direction of Birmingham airport [north to us] quite rapidly in three to four seconds, before stopping dead and hanging in the sky quite motionless. [I had time to send my wife: chauvinistic I know, for my binoculars and after trying to focus on the object, couldn’t make out more than a shimmering figure of eight, silvery on top, reddish underneath view of it] for about five to six minutes.
It then sort of grew rapidly smaller and disappeared… into a cloudless sky. The overhead streak was caught as I paid a late night/early morning check on my young boys in their room during the school summer break around late August/early September.
I felt drawn to lift the net curtain and look up and out of the bedroom window. It shot very rapidly away as in the diagram and the whole sighting took maybe less than 1/2 second. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
Udo Wartena, a 37-year-old of Dutch origin was working as a part-time gold miner for the Northwest Mining Company in May 1940 in Townsend, Montana. On this particular morning, at a little after 10 am, Wartena was near a site at the base of Boulder Mountain near Canyon Ferry Lake where he had discovered indications of gold ore several weeks earlier.
He had been returning to the site on-and-off since and was moving boulders in an attempt to divert the waters nearby to aid in his mining mission. As he did this, he suddenly became aware of a strange humming sound. At first, he thought it might be an aircraft flying over the area. However, when the sound persisted, he began to look around a little more eagerly.
Still not able to see anything he began to make his way to a raised part of ground nearby. Perhaps someone was approaching in a vehicle, he thought. However, as he stepped onto to the risen plateau, he could see in front of him where he had made the makeshift dam was a large, metallic object hovering in the air. He would later state:
…(it was like) two soup plates, one inverted over the other. (They were) stainless steel in color, though not as bright and shiny!
As he watched, half in awe and half in confusion, ladder-like stairs began to emerge from the underside of the disc-shaped craft. Then, a “man” walked down them and began towards Wartena’s location.
Aside from the craft, the man looked to be exactly that. Wartena would recall he donned a pair of “light gray overalls” and wore “slippers or moccasins” on his feet. Furthermore, he had a “circular cap” on his head the same color as his bodily attire, covering extremely white hair.
Not “Custom To Interrupt” Or “Allow Themselves To Be Seen!”
At this stage, “somewhat more than interested”, Wartena made his towards the newcomer. As the pair neared, the visitor stretched out his hand to Wartena and shook his hand. This mysterious person went on to tell Wartena that “they” were not aware that there was anyone in the area (meaning Wartena). He would then go on to inform the miner that it was “not their custom to interrupt or allow themselves to be seen”.
Then, the man asked Wartena if it would be OK if they might “take some water” to which he readily agreed. This is an interesting point. We have mentioned numerous times about the connection between close-range UFO sightings and the placement of large bodies of water nearby.
Furthermore, many close contact sightings, including many of the mysterious airship sightings across the United States almost 50 years previously in 1897 also featured occupants who appeared to be human, who would often ask for supplies of water.
While the man signaled for a hose-type device which emerged from the hovering craft, Wartena studied him a little closer. He would later recall that:
…his English was like mine, but he spoke slowly. As if he were a linguist and had to pick his way!
Then, the man turned to Wartena and, motioning to the hovering metallic disc, asked if he would like to go aboard the craft.
Hundreds Of Years Old – As “You Measure Time”
Without hesitation, Wartena agreed and followed the man to the disc. He would later recall that the humming, although not particularly loud, “seemed to go through” him the nearer he got to it. He would later recall his first thoughts as he went inside this futuristic and otherworldly craft:
We entered into a room about twelve by sixteen feet, with a close-fitting sliding door on the farther end, indirect lighting near the ceiling, and nice upholstered benches around the sides!
Incidentally, all of these descriptions match with many other reports of people who claim to have been inside similar crafts.
Wartena would notice another man in the room, as if waiting for them. Like the man who had greeted him outside, he also had pure white hair. For reasons he wasn’t quite sure of, he would ask them how old they were. They would respond that one was “about 600-years-old” while the other was “over 900 years of age” – at least how people on Earth “measure time”.
Perhaps interesting, they would also state that they wished to take water from the stream as it was “free of algae” and purer. With regards to the apparent interest in water supplies such UFOs and their occupants have, Wartena would offer that the hydrogen is converted and used to power the crafts.
A Craft That “Creates Its Own Gravity!”
Even more intriguing, if we accept the claims to be without a doubt true for just a moment, is the information volunteered to him in response to further questions about the craft. According to Wartena’s memories of the conversation, he was told:
…as you noticed we are floating above the ground, and though the ground slopes the ship is level, There are in the outside rim, two flywheels. One turning one way, and the other in the opposite direction!
He would continue that this “overcomes the gravitational pull of the Earth and other planets”. And essentially, that this device gives the craft its own “gravitational pull”. This, he would state, allows the crafts to ride such gravitational pulls or waves like “you do when you sail on ice”.
This is again an interesting detail. And one that is remarkably similar to how Bob Lazar would describe the workings of such otherworldly crafts. Further still, Wartena would recall that these “flywheels” also created “an electromagnetic force”, which again is remarkably similar in detail to information from other researchers, whistleblowers, and people of close contact encounters.
Wartena would admit he was ignorant of such phrases as “electromagnetic forces and energies”. However, he also states that he was made aware of how important it was that humanity understood and developed such energy sources.
Once more, Wartena would begin to relay information about how the crafts could use the energy of a distant star and then “skip upon the light waves” to travel there which, once again, would share distinct similarities to the aforementioned Lazar.
We “Mingle With Your People” And “Give Help” When Required!
What is perhaps also interesting is how Lazar would claim to have learned his information. According to him, while working on top secret projects for the United States’ government. Using recovered alien technology from the 1940s, no less. Most believe that to be the wreckage from the Roswell crash. If we are to believe the accounts, however, there were many such crashes throughout the forties.
These visitors would offer that they also had alternative sources of energy. One of which they derived (and stored) from the sun and other similar stars.
Perhaps even stranger was that, while they didn’t say they were “human” or “alien”, the man would offer to Wartena they “look pretty much as you do”. And what’s more that they:
…mingle with your people, gather information, leave instructions or give help where needed!
They would state they “lived among” humans on occasion. This would suggest a covert, behind-the-scenes agenda that had been in place long prior to 1940. How far back this secret presence goes is perhaps open to debate.
Perhaps also of interest, certainly from the Ancient Astronaut theory perspective, is the response of the “man” regarding their knowledge and beliefs in “Jesus Christ” and religion in general. According to Wartena, he would state to him:
…I would like to speak of these things but are unable. We cannot interfere in anyway!
Many subscribers to the Ancient Astronaut theory suggest that many of the world’s religions are a consequence of “extraterrestrial intervention” in the distant past. Does the response of the white-haired humanoid man suggest that this intervention was unintentional? Or might it suggest interference from a different extraterrestrial race than the ones Wartena met at Boulder Mountain?
A Decline To “Go With Them!”
Before he left the craft they would volunteer other pieces of information to Wartena. For example, his mysterious hosts would offer, and carry out, a scan of his entire body for “impurities”. This, with something similar to an X-Ray machine.
The men would also offer him the chance to “go with them”. Something which seems to come up, for whatever reason, in lots of close encounter incidents. Especially ones from before the 1960s when the “gray alien abduction” phenomena first began to creep into such incidents. His response is also interesting. He would recall years later:
I said that I thought it would be interesting but felt it would inconvenience too many people. Later, I wondered why I said that!
Once more, this is a seemingly “standard” response from people given such a chance to explore the universe with seemingly (and essentially) immortal cosmic explorers. However, with that in mind, Wartena himself would recall an incident of a local man. Who seemingly vanished without a trace only two years previously.
The man in question resided and walked around the same terrain as he. Wardena would often wonder if this young man might have happened upon the same visitors as he. Only he had chosen to go with them.
An encounter already intriguing to the full would take a further twist. The visitors would issue a final piece of advice as he left the ship. They would state to him that he should “tell no one” of his encounter. They would, of course, not believe him. However, “in years to come” he would be able to speak publicly without such fear. NOTE: The above image is the witness rendering.
On the morning of 22nd September 1964, Robert Jacobs prepared to oversee a test launch of an Atlas missile. It was perfect conditions for viewing any aerial object in the sky. While it was still dark on the ground, objects at a certain altitude in the sky above would catch the rising sun’s light and glow magnificently against the still dark background. And what’s more, this is the case for objects hundreds of miles away.
These conditions were very much present on this morning. And further still, only if viewed from one spot – Big Sur, to the “north and west of Vandenberg”. The brief that Jacobs and his team were working too was to get “side-on” shots of the missile launch and more specifically its climb and “stages of flight”. Specifically, Jacobs would state that their mission statement, in part, was to:
… (provide information) on the minute events following propellant depletion – at a distance of from 300 to 800 nautical miles!
In fact, so serious was the desire to capture such fine and detailed imagery that the Boston University telescope was literally hauled onto a truck and transplanted to a very specific spot at Big Sur.
Incidentally, we should note that Jacobs was unsure of the exact date, but subsequent research suggests the 22nd September is accurate. Whatever the date, the events that would follow were very real. And what’s more, according to Jacobs, would “inspire an official government cover-up and provoke an investigation and search for the filmed record”. A search which continues still.
Missile And Anti-Missile Technology Against The Back Drop Of The Cold War!
The small team gathered at a safe distance, ready to watch the events they were about to record on the monitors. The launches themselves were part of the Nike-Zeus project, which looked to develop “anti-missile” technology – at least officially. Against the ever-present threat of the Cold War, such experiments and projects would face very little questioning.
The team could hear the mechanical-like countdown for the launch of the Atlas missile. Then: Ignition…..lift off…..
And with that, a blast of flames and smoke burst out from under the missile before it began its steady ascent. All eyes, including that of the Bost University telescope camera, focused on the commotion. And what’s more, as was perfectly obvious to Jacobs and the team, as the missile traveled in excess of 100 nautical miles, the conditions and the focus of the shot could “not have been more clean”.
In fact, it was perfectly obvious that they had achieved their objective to the letter. As they shook hands, offering and accepting congratulations from each other, the 35mm film continued to film. Jacobs would take this film with him in the two metal “cans” to the processing laboratory back at the base. He would process the film immediately so it would be ready for his superiors to view the following day.
However, before he could bask in the sense of achievement that was quietly building inside of him, he would receive a phone call at his desk.
The Movie Projector And The Men In Plain Grey Suits
On the other end of the line was Major Mansmann. He would order Jacobs to the headquarters building where his office was immediately. Upon arriving there, Jacobs noticed two strange men waiting with Mansmann. He also noticed a movie projector, very purposely set up for this meeting in the middle of the room.
Each of the men donned “plain, gray suits” and although they said little, their presence was almost palpable. Within seconds of the office door closing, the lights dimmed, and the projector was clicked into action.
Artist’s impression of the Atlas rocket launch
On the wall from the light of the projector, the footage they filmed from Big Sur played. Despite the bizarre nature of the events unfolding, Jacobs remembers feeling a further sense of achievement at how clear the footage was. He continued to watch the footage. When it neared the end, however, Mansmann would tell him to “watch carefully now”.
He did and immediately saw what the men were drawing his attention to. He would state:
Another object flew into the frame, from left to right. It approached the warhead package and maneuvered around it. That is, this…’thing’…flew a relative polar orbit around our warhead package which was itself heading toward the South Pacific at some 18 thousand miles an hour!
Then, an already bizarre incident took an even more bizarre twist. At approximately the “four compass points of its orbit” this strange object emitted “four distinct flashes” towards the missile. In fact, the flashes, Jacobs would argue, must have had sufficient power and intensity as the flashes were clearly visible, almost like a “strike” which caused a “halo” to briefly form.
A “Classic Flying Saucer” That “Shot Down” An American (Dummy) Warhead!
Furthermore, as the object “departed the frame” back in the direction it entered it, Jacobs could see it was “a classic flying saucer” with a clear dome in the middle of the top part, from which the beams of light had emerged.
However, the missile itself, or more specifically, the warhead, “tumbled out of suborbit” falling to the ground. He immediately understood the gravity of the situation. As he would later state:
…This…unidentified flying…’thing’ had apparently ‘shot down’ an American dummy atomic warhead!
Jacobs would later attest his belief that the technology on display was obviously highly advanced. However, in the room, the lights would suddenly come on and Mansmann would enquire whether he or any of his team were “fooling around up there at Big Sur”. When he responded that this certainly wasn’t the case, Mansmann would ask, “Then what the Hell was that?”
It was then that Jacobs, perhaps without thinking, replied as a matter of fact:
It looks to me like we got a UFO!
The silence that would follow his statement was almost deafening in itself. Both of the mystery men continued to stare at Jacobs without saying a word. He noticed Mansmann looking at the men also. Then he turned his attention back to Jacobs, stating:
Let’s just say it never happened. You are to say nothing of this footage to anyone! As far as you and I are concerned, this never took place!
Jacobs flipped his attention back to the two men for a moment, perhaps hoping against hope that the whole situation was some kind of bizarre joke. Their rigid, serious manner told him it wasn’t.
The “Most Fantastic Event Of My Life” That “Did Not Take Place!”
Jacobs wasn’t sure how long he sat there staring into space. It could have been a few minutes. It was most likely only a few seconds as he relayed everything that had happened over the last 24 hours to this very surreal moment now. He couldn’t escape the feeling that what was “the most fantastic event” of his life was something he was being asked to not only keep secret but to deny altogether. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
THANKS TO MARCUS LOWTH AND https://www.ufoinsight.com
One of the foremost authorities on British UFO research has come forward to urge the British government to re-open its investigation of anomalous aerial phenomena. Nick Pope, former head of the Ministry of Defence UFO desk, has publicly called for the MoD to restart its research into unidentified flying objects and other aerial anomalies. Will the Ministry of Defence take heed?
Nick Pope served at the Ministry of Defence from 1991 to 2006 where he was tasked with investigating reports of UFOs to determine if they posed any risk to British defense. In reality, as our own Nick Redfern has pointed out, Pope was likely merely there to serve as a lightning rod to attract reports which were then actually investigated by members of the Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) with security clearances.
Nick Pope
Still, like Tom DeLonge, Pope was given a level of access to information and institutions that few civilians ever do – even if either one or both were merely part of a government disinformation or public appeasement campaign of some kind. Like DeLonge, Pope also now makes quite a bit of money and publicity off of his legit UFO researcher cred, regardless of if he ever came across any ‘real’ proof of anything anomalous.
Thus, make of it what you will when Pope pops up in the news with some big development. This week, Pope is making the rounds in the British tabloids with his call for the MoD to follow the lead of the U.S. Navy and draft a new policy for documenting and reporting UFOs. “I strongly support the US Navy’s policy, which is a sensible response to the defence, national security and air safety issues raised by the phenomenon – whatever its true nature,” Pope told Metro. “I hope the US policy initiative will lead to the UK following suit. It’s time either to re-open the MoD’s UFO project or put some new reporting arrangements in place.”
Pope even drafted a set of guidelines of his own for reporting unidentified aerial phenomena, writing that the MoD should create a new dedicated unit for collecting these reports:
A new MoD unit should be set up to investigate all such occurrences. All aircrew of all branches of the military who see such objects/phenomena, all civilian aircrew, all radar operators who detect uncorrelated targets, and any other military, MoD or defence contractor witnesses should make a full report to this unit as soon as possible.
Pope writes that the MoD should take each report seriously, cross-checking each with military, civilian, and space radar operated by the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System at RAF Fylingdales. Given the number of times the Royal Air Force has been scrambled in response to unidentified objects lately, I’d say they likely already do, but who knows?
On the evening of 15th October 1972, police helicopter pilot, Pat Spafford was on night patrol duty from the skies of Pasadena, California, where he overlooked the mountains and foothills of this largely picturesque part of the United States.
Beneath him, the roads crisscrossed each other, interspersed with the greenery and urban trails of the woodlands. Such sprawling coliseums for the modern gladiators as the Rose Bowl also commanded his attention, with even more contemporary towers reaching ever upwards from the ground below.
Matisoft (left) and Spafford (right)
As Spafford and his flying partner, Al Matisoft surveyed the area below them, each of them noticed strange flashing lights in the distance near the foothills of the mountain ranges. They believed it was a military helicopter, possibly a Sikorsky one. Strangely, however, it was hovering relatively low to the ground over a residential area.
As the police helicopter approached the mysterious aerial vehicle, though, it suddenly rose in the air before heading towards the west of their location. The pilots each agreed to follow it and investigate further.
As they moved in, however, the craft appeared to descend quickly, “as if it was going into auto rotation”. As the patrol unit got closer, however, they could see a “large, round, and rotating” object. It had the appearance of a “big bunch of balloons tied together” and the pilots would estimate it was traveling around 60 miles per hour.
Spafford would announce over the helicopter’s intercom system that “a UFO” was in front of them.
I’m Going To “Light It Up!”
At the same time as Spafford was reporting the sighting to the switchboard desk, Matisoft would shut down the main lights and switch to their “night star” search lights. This was “standard operating procedure” for activating the search lights.
The two pilots, however, would disagree in the moment about their course of action. Spafford would switch the running lights back on in response to Matisoft stating he was going to “light it up!” Spafford, being the higher ranking, insisted they simply observe.
They continued to watch the craft, its lights still flashing, for several moments as it continued west but at the same speed as the helicopter and so maintaining the same distance.
As this was happening, a dense fog was beginning to roll in over the area from the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean. Once again, so as to avoid getting lost in the fog, standard procedure was for them to return to base at Bracket Field in nearby Pomona. They would continue westward, however, keeping the object within its range and their sights.
Sudden Acceleration Over The Rose Bowl
Below them, the details and yard lines of the field at the Rose Bowl stadium were clear to the pilots such was their altitude. Just in front of them, the strange disc-shaped craft passed over the stadium. However, shortly after doing so, it began to increase its speed dramatically. In fact, “in just a few seconds” the object had vanished into the distance, well beyond the skyscrapers and glass towers of downtown Los Angeles.
Both pilots were shocked at the pace of the craft, stating it was clearly traveling at a speed “faster than supersonic”. After taking a moment to gather their senses and thoughts, Spafford would head back to base. Once on the ground, they would begin investigating the incident, beginning by contacting other airports and control towers in the area.
However, no airports – military or commercial – had anything out of the ordinary on their radar screens. And none of the air force bases – at least officially – were conducting any type of experiment or test flight. It is perhaps worth noting that when Matisoft contact Jet Propulsion Laboratory, he had the distinct impression that not only were they not being fully honest in their responses, but that they were “expecting” such reports.
Despite a lack of further supportive evidence, the pilots would agree to submit an incident report, and so placing the encounter officially on record.
A (Still) Unexplained Case With Ambiguous Loose Ends
The two officers would initially remain silent regarding the incident following their reports. However, as talk got around their department, including several “jibes” aimed their way, they would speak openly to anyone who might ask them about it. Over the years, particularly Matisoft, they would continue to do so. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
“I saw a stickman entity when I was a kid through the door hole in my parents’ flat. I was going to the elementary school so this must have happened in early to mid 90s. Possibly around 1993-1995. This happened in Turkey, city of İzmir. It was a sunny afternoon in April and I was waiting for my friend to come and play PC games together. I heard a sound coming from the apartment’s corridor and thought my friend arrived. Went to the door to peek through the door hole. I saw a stickman-like figure standing in front of our neighbor’s door. It was not black. It looked like it was made out of clean light brown wood. It had black spheres for hands, feet and head. Visually its body, limbs and the black spheres were identical to giant matchsticks in color and proportion. Even weirder, it was wearing a yellowish fedora hat with transparent dark fabric hanging from the edges. I could still see that it had no facial features through the thin fabric. I was very confused but kept watching it and it did not move for about five seconds. Then it made a slightly quick wavy movement with its arms (like the motion is carried from one arm to the other) and that scared me off. My mom was at home so I ran to her and told her that there’s something in the apartment. We saw nothing when we checked back. Later I discarded it as an optical illusion since I saw this through the door hole. Maybe there was some dirt or a bug with long legs on the door hole lens. Years later I found about the stickman, hatman and shadow people phenomenon and that really creeped me out. Arethrid. NOTE: The above image is CGI.